Tip on making plastic canopies and cowls from plastic drink bottles and a simple wooden plug (mold) over which to form the heated plastic. AERO MODELLER #700 May 1994 (v.59) pg. 5
How to make plugs and molds for fabricating model components (cowls, wheel pants, etc.) out of fiberglass. MODEL AVIATION Feb 1990 (v.16#2) pg. 56
Making a round cowl for model aircraft from fiberglass. Shows how to make a pattern for the mold, make the mold from plaster, and then use resin and fiberglass cloth to fashion the cowl. MODEL AVIATION Mar 1990 (v.16#3) pg. 64
Make it with paper. An alternative to fiberglass and ABS plastic for making cowls, wheel pants, and other molded parts for models. MODEL AVIATION Jul 1992 (v.18#7) pg. 38
Louver punch. Using a drill press and homemade punch/die set to reproduce louvers in the thin aluminum cowl of a scale model aircraft. MODEL AVIATION Jul 1996 (v.22#7) pg. 75
Add dummy rocker covers to a radial cowl by using the bowls of plastic spoons. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Mar 1990 (v.32#3) pg. 234
Tip on avoiding too-tightly cowling a gasoline engine in scale models which may lead to excessive heat which can harm the engine. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS May 1990 (v.32#5) pg. 375
Engine turning made easy. How to make realistic looking rotary cowls for World War I scale model aircraft. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Feb 1994 (v.37#2) pg. 68
Tip on forming thin plywood cowls around glass-jar forms using a microwave. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS May 1994 (v.37#5) pg. 75