Tip on soldering up aircraft fuel tanks. AERO MODELLER #656 Sep 1990 (v.55) pg. 535
Design and construction tips for control-line aerobatic model aircraft fuel tanks. AERO MODELLER #678 Jul 1992 (v.57) pg. 23
Lightweight fuel shutoff system for control-line aerobatic gas-powered model aircraft is described. AERO MODELLER #680 Sep 1992 (v.57) pg. 46
Tip on using electrical pull ties (tie wraps) to attach fuel tanks to model aircraft. AERO MODELLER #685 Feb 1993 (v.58) pg. 13
Guide to making a fuel tank from tin plate. How to bend the metal and solder the seams. AERO MODELLER #705 Oct 1994 (v.59) pg. 18
Plastic fuel tanks. How to make simple and inexpensive fuel tanks from plastic film canisters, pill bottles, etc. AERO MODELLER #722 Mar 1996 (v.61) pg. 12
Adjustable fuel tank-height mount for control-line models. AERO MODELLER #739 Jul 4 1997 (v.62) pg. 43
Simple, push-to-reset fuel tube crusher-type shutoff for team racing. AERO MODELLER #765 Jul 29 1999 (v.64) pg. 35
Pressure-bladder fuel tank (for C/L speed aircraft) is made from surgical tubing. MODEL AVIATION Aug 1990 (v.16#8) pg. 72
Tip on making a simple, inexpensive, pressurized fuel system that uses miniballoons to hold the fuel. MODEL AVIATION Oct 1990 (v.16#10) pg. 73
Tip to prevent fuel lines being cut by the ends of brass tubing at the fuel tank outlets. MODEL AVIATION Jan 1991 (v.17#1) pg. 13
How to fabricate on onboard fuel shutoff valve from stock brass fittings. MODEL AVIATION Feb 1991 (v.17#2) pg. 65, 180
Tip on making a fuel line shutoff for combat C/L to prevent fly-aways. MODEL AVIATION Aug 1991 (v.17#8) pg. 48
Uniflow fuel tank construction. Technique designed to stop the fuel mixture of the engine from changing as the fuel level of the tank drops. MODEL AVIATION Jan 1992 (v.18#1) pg. 40
Small tanks for scale models. How to simulate those out-in-the-open fuel tanks seen in some early-era aircraft using the aluminum tubes in which expensive cigars are packaged. MODEL AVIATION Feb 1992 (v.18#2) pg. 21
Design and construction of an improved uniflow tank. MODEL AVIATION Jan 1993 (v.19#1) pg. 96
Advice on installing and operating the remote needle valve fuel system for Formula I pylon racing model aircraft. MODEL AVIATION Feb 1994 (v.20#2) pg. 100
Tip on making a fuel tank filler from a plastic oil bottle. MODEL AVIATION Feb 1995 (v.21#2) pg. 125
Tip on making a simple overflow reservoir out of a clear 35mm film canister to catch the excess fuel when filling a model aircraft fuel tank. MODEL AVIATION Feb 1997 (v.23#2) pg. 127
Advice on improving wing-mounted fuel tank installations for MO-1s. MODEL AVIATION Jun 1997 (v.23#6) pg. 134
Tip on size of fuel lines for model aircraft engines. MODEL AVIATION Jul 1997 (v.23#7) pg. 80
Tips on Scale Race fuel tanks and improved fuel shutoffs. MODEL AVIATION Aug 1998 (v.24#8) pg. 144
Simple, effective fast-fill device that will work for a suction-feed fuel system. Can be adapted for use with pressure systems. MODEL AVIATION Aug 1999 (v.25#8) pg. 58
Location and plumbing considerations for helicopter fuel tanks. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Jan 1990 (v.32#1) pg. 28
Tip to prevent the silicone feed pipe of your clunk tank from folding back on itself. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Mar 1990 (v.32#3) pg. 234
Hinging and latching the hatch over a fuel tank so that no hardware is visible. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Sep 1991 (v.34#9) pg. 677
Tip on modifying a clunk tank for better operation and more complete draining. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Sep 1991 (v.34#9) pg. 678
Fuel level indicator. An electronic circuit to measure the amount of fuel left in the tank and turn on a super-bright LED when it gets low. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Apr 1992 (v.35#4) pg. 80
Correction RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Sep 1992 (v.35#9) pg. 15
Troubleshooting two common fuel problems. (1) Air bubbles caused by vibration. (2) Fuel pick up tube. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Nov 1992 (v.35#11) pg. 20
Catch mechanism for the hatch concealing a fuel tank allows the hatch to remain attached to the aircraft when open. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Dec 1992 (v.35#12) pg. 79
Tip on making sure that plastic fuel tube does not separate from a metal fuel tube. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Jul 1993 (v.36#7) pg. 19
How to prevent the ends of brass fuel tubing from chafing through flexible fuel lines due to vibration. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS May 1994 (v.37#5) pg. 74
Convert plastic 35mm photo film containers into small fuel tanks. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS May 1994 (v.37#5) pg. 75
Non-drip fuel plumbing system for model aircraft uses one-way valves. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Feb 1995 (v.38#2) pg. 60
Fuel tank mounting system uses cable ties and a suitable cradle. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Jun 1995 (v.38#6) pg. 19
Tip on keeping bottle-style fuel tanks from rotating. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Jun 1995 (v.38#6) pg. 66