How to prepare a mold and form a celluloid canopy. The cellulose sheets are heated in an oven and "pulled" down over the mold. AERO MODELLER #653 Jun 1990 (v.55) pg. 340
Make a canopy from a section of a clear plastic soda bottle. AERO MODELLER #680 Sep 1992 (v.57) pg. 6
Tip on making plastic canopies and cowls from plastic drink bottles and a simple wooden plug (mold) over which to form the heated plastic. AERO MODELLER #700 May 1994 (v.59) pg. 5
Three tips on masking, painting, and polishing plastic canopies. FINESCALE MODELER May 1989 (v.7#4) pg. 75
Three techniques for installing and masking model aircraft windows. FINESCALE MODELER Feb 1990 (v.8#2) pg. 64
Making ultra-clear canopies. Fine sandpaper, polish, and acrylic floor shine add dazzle to clear parts. FINESCALE MODELER Mar 1995 (v.13#3) pg. 42
Seamless canopies. Here's the secret to forming perfect multipane canopies and windows. FINESCALE MODELER Sep 1995 (v.13#7) pg. 32
Technique for painting canopy frames. FINESCALE MODELER Sep 1995 (v.13#7) pg. 71
Tip on removing a molding seam from a clear plastic canopy. FINESCALE MODELER Feb 1999 (v.17#2) pg. 74
Using clear casting resin to create model aircraft windows. IPMS/USA JOURNAL May 1993 (v.5#4) pg. 49
Tip on removing mold lines from canopies. IPMS/USA JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1997 (v.9#5) pg. 14
Tip on using plastic bubble packaging material to make canopy, windscreen, etc. MODEL AVIATION Mar 1990 (v.16#3) pg. 64
Tip on making a canopy by stretching heat-forming plastic (used in soft-drink bottles) over a wooden form. MODEL AVIATION May 1997 (v.23#5) pg. 127
Molding canopies for model aircraft. The procedure involves carving a wooden male plug as the pattern, casting a mold from RTV, using the mold to make a cast-resin plug, and then forming the canopy using a vacuum-form machine. MODEL AVIATION Sep 1997 (v.23#9) pg. 59
Technique for trimming a clear plastic canopy to the correct shape involves making a papier-mache template or pattern. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Jul 1992 (v.35#7) pg. 74
Tip on making neat window openings in balsa models by installing plastic window surrounds. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Apr 1995 (v.38#4) pg. 31