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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Child's knitted tabard fits sizes 2 to 6.
AMERICAN HOME CRAFTS Summer 1978 (v.6#3) pg. Cover, 91

Woman's knitted V-neck pullover tabbard.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Jun 1980 (v.11#5) pg. 48

Toddler's knitted tabard.
FAMILY CIRCLE May 31 1983 (v.96#8) pg. 100

Woman's cropped top is knit in reverse stockinette stitch and features a large checkerboard square pattern.
McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Jun 1984 (v.29#3) pg. 21, 109

Working with Lincoln lamb's wool. Includes instructions for a woman's knit tabbard.
SPIN-OFF Summer 1985 (v.9#2) pg. 41

Man's knitted tabard.
WOMAN'S DAY Oct 23 1978 (v.42#2) pg. 114, 210

Knit a woman's tabbard with tiny wing-dots and a buttoned stockinette sideband.
WOMAN'S DAY Mar 6 1984 (v.47#7) pg. 113, 167

Knitted woman's tabard has large circular neckline and tabs to fasten the front and back together.
WORKBASKET May 1978 (v.43#8) pg. 5

Child's boatneck pullover in a rope stitch pattern.
WORKBASKET Sep 1982 (v.47#10) pg. 56

Woman's tabbard is knitted in a variation of the seed stitch.
WORKBASKET Sep 1985 (v.50#10) pg. 90

Knitted tabard is worked from side to side in stockinette stitch. Darkest colors are used for the ribbed borders on each side, with lighter colors forming wide front and back center stripes.
WORKBASKET Mar 1986 (v.51#5) pg. 26