Added Info MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1991 (v.58#3) pg. 22
Freight car graffiti. Duplicating the chalk messages scrawled on prototypes.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1990 (v.57#11) pg. 138
Especially for beginners. Part 3. Car kits and Kadee couplers.
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1991 (v.58#3) pg. 110
Upgrading HO hopper car kits. Added details improve the appearance of a basic plastic model.
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1991 (v.58#3) pg. 114
New York Central express cars. Detailed drawings and description of the 1943 troop sleepers which were converted for baggage-express service after World War II.
MODEL RAILROADER May 1991 (v.58#5) pg. 108
Modeling a Colorado & Southern cinder car. Angled sides and long side doors make this a distinctive car to model.
MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1991 (v.58#8) pg. 85
Especially for beginners. Part 9. Weathering freight cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Sep 1991 (v.58#9) pg. 74
The Davies Steel Corp. coke plant. Part 4. Modeling the specialized rolling stock in HO scale.
MODEL RAILROADER Oct 1991 (v.58#10) pg. 116
Boston & Maine 100-ton coal hopper (circa 1990). Easy modifications to convert an HO kit into a specific prototype model.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1991 (v.58#11) pg. 124
New York Central's Flexi-Van flatcar. Modeling a containerized freight system designed to compete with truckers (circa 1958).
MODEL RAILROADER Feb 1992 (v.59#2) pg. 96
Scratchbuilding a Southern Pacific wood chip car from styrene in HO scale.
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1992 (v.59#3) pg. 104
Bessemer & Lake Erie 90-ton open hopper car (circa 1937).
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1992 (v.59#3) pg. 113
Wreck-damaged cars. Heavy weathering techniques to reproduce the casualties of train service. Using a hot knife, soldering gun or propane torch to distort plastic and simulate damaged cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Apr 1992 (v.59#4) pg. 74
Lumber loads from the 1940s and 1950s. Building realistic lumber loads for flatcars and boxcars.
MODEL RAILROADER Jun 1992 (v.59#6) pg. 79
BAR's hot and cold spud haulers. Modeling the Bangor & Aroostook ice-bunker, plug-door reefers (circa 1950s) in O scale.
MODEL RAILROADER Jun 1992 (v.59#6) pg. 90
Modeling the American Car & Foundry tank car (circa 1939). Detailed drawings included.
MODEL RAILROADER Jul 1992 (v.59#7) pg. 100
United States Railway Association (USRA) 70-ton hopper car (circa 1923).
MODEL RAILROADER Oct 1992 (v.59#10) pg. 102
Missabe Road "Minnesota" ore cars. Drawings of the most common Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range Railway (DM&IR) jenny.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1992 (v.59#11) pg. 125
Paint a pair of freight cars. Techniques for creating good-looking weathered cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Dec 1992 (v.59#12) pg. 184
Pullman-Standard 86-foot boxcar. Plans for a Hy-Cube auto-parts hauler (circa 1968).
MODEL RAILROADER Jan 1993 (v.60#1) pg. 112
Adding invisible lead weights to open freight cars for improved operaton.
MODEL RAILROADER Jan 1993 (v.60#1) pg. 120
Ghost lettering on Canadian National cement cars. How to achieve HO scale models that show signs of age.
MODEL RAILROADER Jan 1993 (v.60#1) pg. 174
Modeling a Portec XTRA grain hopper. Easy modifications convert an Athearn model into a different prototype.
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1993 (v.60#3) pg. 91
Kitbash a 60-foot baggage car. Combining Athearn and Rivarossi HO cars captures the look of a typical northeastern prototype (circa 1950).
MODEL RAILROADER Apr 1993 (v.60#4) pg. 76
Upgrading an old Athearn model of a 50-foot boxcar to 1990s styling.
MODEL RAILROADER Apr 1993 (v.60#4) pg. 88
Modeling United Parcel Service trailers in HO scale. Con-Cor's moving van trailer conversions.
MODEL RAILROADER May 1993 (v.60#5) pg. 72
Two shorty freight cars you can build in HO scale from inexpensive plastic kits. (1) Shorty hopper. (2) Shorty tanker.
MODEL RAILROADER May 1993 (v.60#5) pg. 82
Northern Pacific rebuilt wood reefers in N scale (circa 1950s). Build two versions using Micro-Trains cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Jul 1993 (v.60#7) pg. 100
Trinity Industries curved-side covered hopper. Photos and drawing of a Cargill version (circa 1991) used to haul grain.
MODEL RAILROADER Jul 1993 (v.60#7) pg. 102
Upgrading a C&BT Shops HO scale boxcar. Adding a few details to improve the appearance of this Pittsburgh & Lake Erie car with a "Serves the Steel Centers" slogan.
MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1993 (v.60#8) pg. 90
Southern Pacific's economy baggage cars. Plans for a 1960s head-end car.
MODEL RAILROADER Sep 1993 (v.60#9) pg. 74
Low-cost improvements for Athearn hopper cars. Place the air-brake components correctly and add slope-sheet supports.
MODEL RAILROADER Oct 1993 (v.60#10) pg. 102
Upgrading a Con-Cor HO scale 52-foot mill gondola. Easy detail modificatons for improved realism.
MODEL RAILROADER Dec 1993 (v.60#12) pg. 96
Canada's 100-ton cylindrical covered hoppers. Scale drawings of a modern grain-hauling car.
MODEL RAILROADER Feb 1994 (v.61#2) pg. 96
Painting freight-car trucks. Following prototype examples to make models more realistic.
MODEL RAILROADER Feb 1994 (v.61#2) pg. 152
Build a Texas and Pacific express boxcar (mail storage car) in HO scale.
MODEL RAILROADER May 1994 (v.61#5) pg. 100
Modeling a Shippers' Car Line Corp. 4,000-gallon tank car in HO scale.
MODEL RAILROADER Jun 1994 (v.61#6) pg. 72
Rolling stock obstacle course. A series of tests to check the coupler height, rail clearance, length and weight of model railroad cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Jul 1994 (v.61#7) pg. 106
Modeling freight car air-brake systems.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1994 (v.61#11) pg. 28, 100
Modeling a Great Northern boxcar in N scale. Easy detailing and painting for a 50-ft. double-door car.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1994 (v.61#11) pg. 88
Kitbash a Lehigh Valley cement gondola in HO scale. A simple project to match a prototype of the 1930s and 1940s.
MODEL RAILROADER Jan 1995 (v.62#1) pg. 124
Get started in weathering. Use chalks and drybrushing for a more realistic finish on your freight car.
MODEL RAILROADER May 1995 (v.62#5) pg. 104
General American's Dia-Flo covered hopper. Scale drawings of an early pressure-differential car (circa 1962).
MODEL RAILROADER Jun 1995 (v.62#6) pg. 98
Colorado & Southern 40-foot single-sheathed boxcar. Tips to turn an N-scale 1920s car into a typical postwar veteran.
MODEL RAILROADER Jun 1995 (v.62#6) pg. 136
Easy air conditioning for Athearn heavyweight cars. Adding ductwork and roof hatches improves appearance.
MODEL RAILROADER Jul 1995 (v.62#7) pg. 100
Build an HO-scale AT&SF (Santa Fe) work flat car as used in maintenance-of-way service (circa 1992). Turning a Tyco flatcar into a detailed scale model.
MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1995 (v.62#8) pg. 110
Maine Central covered hoppers. Modify MDC cars for heavy-duty cement and lime service.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1995 (v.62#11) pg. 110
SouthShore (Chicago South Shore & South Bend) and IHB (Indiana Harbor Belt) coil steel cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1995 (v.62#11) pg. 158
Scale drawings and photos of CP Rail's side-stake pulpwood flatcar.
MODEL RAILROADER Feb 1996 (v.63#2) pg. 122
Scratchbuild a turn-of-the-century outfit car with full interior. Scale plans and guidelines to build an On3 model of Colorado & Southern bunk and cook car #0114.
MODEL RAILROADER May 1996 (v.63#5) pg. 88
Weathering freight cars. Simple techniques to make your rolling stock look more realistic.
MODEL RAILROADER May 1996 (v.63#5) pg. 136
Modeling a stockcar in its golden years. Faded paint and lettering on Westerfield's HO kit.
MODEL RAILROADER Oct 1996 (v.63#10) pg. 111
Quick milk cars. Easy kitbashing techniques to create a variety of milk cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Jan 1997 (v.64#1) pg. 100
A prototype plastic boxcar. Detailed drawings and photos of the Burlington Northern freight car built from composites.
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1997 (v.64#3) pg. 113
Painting and detailing HO South Shore equipment (two Geeps, a caboose, flat car, and gondolas).
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1997 (v.64#3) pg. 148
Kitbash an HO Great Northern 60-ft. boxcar. Using a Con-Cor Greenville car to model an ACF prototype.
MODEL RAILROADER Apr 1997 (v.64#4) pg. 108
Canadian Pacific's 80-ton triple hoppers. Detailed drawings and photos.
MODEL RAILROADER Apr 1997 (v.64#4) pg. 118
Correction MODEL RAILROADER Jul 1997 (v.64#7) pg. 22
Modeling Grey Kat's boxcar in N scale. Easy finishing techniques create a typical 40-ft. boxcar of the 1950s.
MODEL RAILROADER Apr 1997 (v.64#4) pg. 140
Easy weathering techniques. Age your rolling stock with washes, chalks, and drybrushing.
MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1997 (v.64#8) pg. 120
Modeling Reading's early covered hoppers. Two prototype conversions (class LOH covered hopper and class LOA bulk cement car) made from plastic models.
MODEL RAILROADER Sep 1997 (v.64#9) pg. 80
Hoosier Line PS-1 boxcar. An eye-catching paint scheme in HO scale.
MODEL RAILROADER Dec 1997 (v.64#12) pg. 166
Building a Mather 50-ft. stockcar. An HO scale kitbash using two Life-Like 40-ft. car kits and some homebrewed door castings.
MODEL RAILROADER Jan 1998 (v.65#1) pg. 94
BC Rail center-beam flatcar retrofits. Includes detailed drawings and photos.
MODEL RAILROADER Jan 1998 (v.65#1) pg. 123
Detailing Kato's HO scale ACF (American Car & Foundry) 70-ton covered hopper.
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1998 (v.65#3) pg. 104
Modeling 70-ton former Railbox cars (circa 1974) in S scale as they look today.
MODEL RAILROADER Mar 1998 (v.65#3) pg. 132
Reefers by the fleet. Using paint and decals to produce a full train of N scale Pacific Fruit Express cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Jul 1998 (v.65#7) pg. 130
Soo Line insulated boxcars. Detailed drawings and photos of these early 40-ft. and 50-ft. DF-equipped (damage free) cars which were assembled from stock components.
MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1998 (v.65#8) pg. 78
Fully enclosed low-deck tri-level auto racks. Detailed drawings and photos of skeleton frame automobile haulers.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1998 (v.65#11) pg. 96
Improving HO scale freight and passenger trucks. Replace wheels and add weathering for more realism.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1998 (v.65#11) pg. 115
Patching up X29 boxcars. Using rub-on metal foil to simulate side repair panels.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1998 (v.65#11) pg. 117
Build an open auto rack from styrene. This model of a Santa Fe class FT-27 tri-level is built upon a Walthers HO channel-side flatcar.
MODEL RAILROADER Feb 1999 (v.66#2) pg. 102
Reweathering a factory-weathered car. Blended weathering and a load for Ertl's HO scale USRA boxcar.
MODEL RAILROADER Feb 1999 (v.66#2) pg. 150
Key to deciphering the stenciled information found on freight cars.
MODEL RAILROADER Apr 1999 (v.66#4) pg. 40
Modeling 1890s boxcars in HO scale. Basic redetailing techniques.
MODEL RAILROADER Apr 1999 (v.66#4) pg. 94
Rolling stock kits. Tips and techniques for turning simple plastic kits into reliable operating models.
MODEL RAILROADER May 1999 (v.66#5) pg. 116
CC&F (Canadian Car and Foundry) depressed-center flatcars (circa 1921). Detailed drawing and photos.
MODEL RAILROADER Jun 1999 (v.66#6) pg. 96
Sprucing up a flatcar. Attaching a wood deck and adding a load of wrapped lumber.
MODEL RAILROADER Jul 1999 (v.66#7) pg. 105
Building resin freight cars. Get those detailed models out of the box and onto the layout.
MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1999 (v.66#8) pg. 62
A two-foot gauge Railway Post Office/baggage car (circa 1912). Detailed drawing and photos.
MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1999 (v.66#8) pg. 78
Wartime gondolas (circa 1943) in N scale. Finer detail make these ready-to-run cars more realistic.
MODEL RAILROADER Sep 1999 (v.66#9) pg. 86
Boston & Maine freight cars. Painting and decaling four cars for a 1970s rolling stock fleet.
MODEL RAILROADER Sep 1999 (v.66#9) pg. 130
First Union's aluminum BethGons, an all-aluminum bathtub gondola for hauling coal. Detailed drawing and photos.
MODEL RAILROADER Oct 1999 (v.66#10) pg. 84
Wipe out freight car wobble. Easy adjustments stabilize N scale cars for enhanced performance and improved realism.
MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1999 (v.66#11) pg. 108
Auto-Max. Gunderson's new tri-level automobile carrier freight car accommodates taller vehicles like SUVs. Detailed drawings and photos.
MODEL RAILROADER Dec 1999 (v.66#12) pg. 126
Stock conversion. (1) Lengthening the "Seacow" ballast hopper. (2) Converting a Courier Coach to add a rolling door and Commonwealth bogies.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] May 1990 (v.7#5) pg. 256
Detailed drawings and photos of British Railways built wagons used for special loads (china clay, timber, etc.).
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Jun 1990 (v.7#6) pg. 308
Tank wagons of the post-nationalisation period. Part 1. Photos of 12 different wagons.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Jul 1990 (v.7#7) pg. 372
Tank wagons of the post-nationalisation period. Part 2. Detailed drawings and photos of liquid chlorine tank wagons.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Aug 1990 (v.7#8) pg. 421
Scratchbuilding Midland Railway Clerestory Carriages (circa 1876).
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Aug 1990 (v.7#8) pg. 442
Added instruction for assembling the 7mm model of the LMS District Engineer's Saloon car from "5522" kits.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Sep 1990 (v.7#9) pg. 486
Tank wagons of the post-nationalisation period. Part 3. British Railway period tanks built to the "anchor mounted" design (1944-1963).
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Oct 1990 (v.7#10) pg. 533
Brass on plastic. How to apply brass overlays to various plastic coach bodies to produce a wide variety of period coaches.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Nov 1990 (v.7#11) pg. 590
Ryde Rail. Constructing a model of the unusual electric system coaches used on the Isle of Wight which were actually ex-London Transport subway vehicles.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Jan 1991 (v.8#1) pg. 14
Tank wagons of the post-nationalisation period. Part 4. 35-ton GLW vacuum brake tanks.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Jan 1991 (v.8#1) pg. 25
Armoured train. Building a World War II British armoured train (circa 1940) in 4mm scale. Part 1.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Mar 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 116
Furness Railway 39-ft. tri-composite six-wheel carriage (circa 1882). Detailed drawings.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Mar 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 129
Armoured train. Part 2. Gun trucks.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Apr 1991 (v.8#4) pg. 177
LB&SCR 20-ft. brake van (circa 1859). Detailed drawings included.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] May 1991 (v.8#5) pg. 235
Tank wagons of the post-nationalisation period. Part 5. The early monoblock tank wagons.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Jul 1991 (v.8#7) pg. 346
German railguns. Adding motors and modifying the scale of two Cromwell Models kits. (1) Panzer Draisine, a heavy armoured scout car fitted with 20mm armour and a Panzer III turret with the short 75mm gun. (2) Panzerjagertriebwagen, a large vehicle fitted with two Panzer IV turrets and numerous machine guns.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Oct 1991 (v.8#10) pg. 502
The Ongar Train (circa 1959/1962). Kitbashing techniques to model an electric-powered underground railway (tube) Central Line train.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Dec 1991 (v.8#12) pg. 606
A jig for marking roof vent holes on model RR coaches.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Jan 1992 (v.9#1) pg. 8
Tank wagons of the post-nationalisation period. Part 6. SMBP45-ton GLW tank wagons.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Apr 1992 (v.9#4) pg. 182
Breakdown train unit (circa 1970s). Part 1. Kitbashing 4mm models of a tool and generator van, staff and tool van, and tool van.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Jun 1992 (v.9#6) pg. 297
LB&SCR cattle vans (circa 1865 & 1877). A brief history and detailed drawings.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Aug 1992 (v.9#8) pg. 404
LB&SCR horse box (circa 1850). Detailed drawing and constuction tips.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Jul 1993 (v.10#7) pg. 21
Chop hopper. Detailed drawing and construction tips for modeling a PCA cement hopper.
MODEL RAILWAYS [2] Aug 1993 (v.10#8) pg. 21