Tip on installing a vertical wire whip aerial on the transom of a model radio-control boat. MODEL BOATS #524 Oct 1994 (v.44) pg. 8
Simple drogue to stabilize trailing aerials in small flying models. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Oct 1991 (v.34#10) pg. 764
Tip on using a short piece of heatshrink tubing to keep a model airplane R/C antenna in place. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Mar 1994 (v.37#3) pg. 27
Tip on easing the transfer of R/C receivers from one model to another by having a separate plug-in antenna permanently mounted in each model. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS May 1994 (v.37#5) pg. 75
How to make neat and tidy aerial installations on model aircraft. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Apr 1995 (v.38#4) pg. 22