Added Info MODEL AVIATION Apr 1993 (v.19#4) pg. 55 (99" long-wing plan).
Chic-Ah-Dee. R/C electric trainer with 52"-span high-wing, cobalt 035 engine, built-up construction and 3-channel radio.
MODEL AVIATION Dec 1992 (v.18#12) pg. 98, 136
Carroll Krupp's 1937 Bowden Trophy winner. A geared 05 motor powers this 3/4-size R/C electric version with 72" wingspan and three-channel control.
MODEL AVIATION Dec 1993 (v.19#12) pg. 104
Tips on using telemetry to capture inflight information from electric-powered model aircraft.
MODEL AVIATION Jan 1994 (v.20#1) pg. 85
Master Puddle. A 3-channel R/C electric seaplane features balsa construction, 45" wingspan and a pylon-mounted Astro 05 cobal engine.
MODEL AVIATION Feb 1994 (v.20#2) pg. 33
Revolt. A three channel R/C electric sport/trainer with a 60" wingspan that can handle a variety of power systems (05 to 40).
MODEL AVIATION Nov 1994 (v.20#11) pg. 32
Pussycat. A three channel R/C electric sport/trainer model with a 62" wingspan that is designed for the beginner.
MODEL AVIATION Jan 1995 (v.21#1) pg. 16
Kanardeze. An R/C electric-powered sport aircraft features a "tail first" canard design with a 60" wingspan and three-channel radio.
MODEL AVIATION May 1995 (v.21#5) pg. 41
R/C Thistle. A sport electric model with 16" wingspan, rudder-only R/C control and simple balsa sheet construction. A variation of the free-flight model featured in the Feb 1995 Model Aviation magazine.
MODEL AVIATION Mar 1996 (v.22#3) pg. 36
Windsport. A "reminder scale" electric R/C for 05-15 geared cobalt motor has a 56" wingspan and three-function control (throttle, rudder, elevator).
MODEL AVIATION Oct 1996 (v.22#10) pg. 16
RC turbo sport. Lightweight RC sport model for small-field flying is powered by two electric motors which hang down in pods beneath each wing. Features a 30" wingspan, built-up construction, and motors from the Turbo Twin RC system distributed by SGI Inc.
MODEL AVIATION Mar 1997 (v.23#3) pg. 27
Goblin. A V-tailed electric sport model with 46" wingspan, landing skid, three function radio (motor, ailerons, elevators), and built-up construction. Uses the Speed 400 motor.
MODEL AVIATION Jul 1997 (v.23#7) pg. 24
Electrolith. R/C sailplane is equipped with a Speed 400 electric motor. This 57" wingspan model features built-up construction. Reduced-size plans included.
MODEL AVIATION May 1999 (v.25#5) pg. 20
Pipe Dream. A high-performance R/C Sport flying wing design for the Geared Speed 400 electric motor. Features 42" wingspan and built-up construction. Reduced-scale plan included.
MODEL AVIATION Jun 1999 (v.25#6) pg. 10
Longster Wimpy. This R/C electric Sport is reminiscent of a 1930s low-wing monoplane powered by a motorcycle engine. 59" wingspan, Built-up construction. Reduced-scale plan included.
MODEL AVIATION Aug 1999 (v.25#8) pg. 18
Heinrich. Electric monoplane simulates a WWI fighter. Alternative wingtip, elevator and rudder shape variations allow for German, British and French simulations.
RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Mar 1990 (v.32#3) pg. 238
Servicing old electric model airframes. Tips on what to look for.
Red Eye. 52" wingspan electric glider and 3 channel R/C control is ideal introduction to electric flight.
RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Dec 1994 (v.37#12) pg. 24