Building Australia II, a radio-control model of the boat that broke the U.S. hold on the Americas Cup. Details shown for a system to sheet the genoa jib from port to starboard around the mast using an electric-powered drum (winch). MODEL BOATS #471 May 1990 (v.40) pg. 20
Sailboat tuning. Looks at sail quality and rigging adjustment. MODEL BOATS #475 Sep 1990 (v.40) pg. 55
Akela. Full-size plans for a 25" (1/2 metre) radio-control yacht. MODEL BOATS #478 Dec 1990 (v.40) pg. 54
Wonder. Model of an 1850's Itchen Ferry fishing boat which also participated in races according to hull length, but with no limit on sail area. Part 1. MODEL BOATS #508 Jun 1993 (v.43) pg. 32
Wonder. Part 2. MODEL BOATS #509 Jul 1993 (v.43) pg. 32
Wonder. Part 3. MODEL BOATS #510 Aug 1993 (v.43) pg. 54
Wonder. Part 4. MODEL BOATS #511 Sep 1993 (v.43) pg. 55
Wonder. Part 5. MODEL BOATS #512 Oct 1993 (v.43) pg. 30
Rhythm. Full-size plan for a competitive R/C one-meter yacht, winner of the 1990 national championship. Part 1. Hull construction, spars and rigging. MODEL BOATS #512 Oct 1993 (v.43) pg. 34, Insert
Rhythm. Full-size plan for a competitive R/C one-meter yacht, winner of the 1990 national championship. Part 2. Finish construction and sail drawing. MODEL BOATS #513 Nov 1993 (v.43) pg. 32, Insert
Added Info MODEL BOATS #514 Dec 1993 (v.43) pg. 5
Wonder. Part 6. MODEL BOATS #513 Nov 1993 (v.43) pg. 55
Sylph. An experimental six metre design, especially for light weather conditions. MODEL BOATS #522 Aug 1994 (v.44) pg. 25
Design and contruction of a hydrodynamic fin for use on model R/C sailing yachts. How to make a mold and then lay-up the two fiberglass halves of the fin. MODEL BOATS #539 Jan 1996 (v.46) pg. 60
Yamaha 40EX. Kit review and additional assembly instructions for a 1:20 scale R/C model of a cruiser yacht. MODEL BOATS #550 Dec 1996 (v.46) pg. 37
The Charlotte. A practical folding R/C yacht with both sail and electric motor power. Features simple construction, 24" waterline length, and 2-channel radio-control with ordinary servos. Full-size plans included. MODEL BOATS #562 Oct 17 1997 (v.47) pg. 52, Insert
Ocean Bound. A review and assembly tips for the 1:24 semi-scale model kit of the B.T. Global Challenge boat from Skipper Yachts. MODEL BOATS #566 Feb 6 1998 (v.48) pg. 40
Colin Archer. Kit review and assembly tips for a model of the typical sail-powered rescue vessel (circa 1893) built for the Norwegian Society for Shipwreck Salvage. Part 1. MODEL BOATS #567 Apr 2 1998 (v.48) pg. 40
Colin Archer. Part 2. MODEL BOATS #568 Apr 30 1998 (v.48) pg. 60
Colin Archer. Part 3. MODEL BOATS #569 May 28 1998 (v.48) pg. 63
Added Info MODEL BOATS #572 Aug 20 1998 (v.48) pg. 7
Colin Archer. Part 4. MODEL BOATS #570 Jun 25 1998 (v.48) pg. 68
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Step-by-step through the construction of a Radio 36 Restricted sailing yacht using grp (fiberglass) techniques. Part 1. MODEL BOATS #578 Feb 4 1999 (v.49) pg. 64
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 2. MODEL BOATS #579 Mar 4 1999 (v.49) pg. 61
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 3. MODEL BOATS #581 Apr 29 1999 (v.49) pg. 62
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 4. MODEL BOATS #582 May 27 1999 (v.49) pg. 67
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 5. MODEL BOATS #583 Jun 24 1999 (v.49) pg. 51
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 6. MODEL BOATS #584 Jul 22 1999 (v.49) pg. 30
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 7. MODEL BOATS #585 Aug 19 1999 (v.49) pg. 31
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 8. MODEL BOATS #586 Sep 1999 (v.49) pg. 31
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 9. MODEL BOATS #588 Nov 1999 (v.49) pg. 57
Bowski. An R36R from start to finish. Part 10. MODEL BOATS #589 Dec 1999 (v.49) pg. 61