Ins and outs of engine controls. Locating and repairing hidden control wear.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1993 (v.15#12) pg. 20
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1994 (v.16#2) pg. 4
Mixture cable replacement.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1996 (v.18#4) pg. 13
Tip on using helper springs to make sure that mixture control and throttle control go to the full-rich or full-on position in the event of a cable failure.
SPORT AVIATION Jul 1992 (v.41#7) pg. 46
A precision control quadrant (side-wall mounted) is made of aluminum and incorporates a throttle control, elevator trim, and an adjustable "friction" knob.
SPORT AVIATION Apr 1994 (v.43#4) pg. 104