Turning shadow figures for use as stoppers or pen top. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Dec 1992 (v.7#4) pg. 17
Tip tells how to make polymer clay bottle stoppers to dress up a beaded bottle. BEAD & BUTTON #30 Apr 1999 pg. 8
Elegant stoppers for wine bottles are made by combining small lathe turnings with bottle corks. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1994 (v.18#3) pg. 24
A trio of patterns for carved heads (man, woman, dog) which are attached to corks for use as bottle stoppers. CHIP CHATS May-Jun 2001 (v.48#3) pg. 16
Show stoppers. Turned tops enhance glassware's glamour. Making turned wooden tops for both glass jars and for attachment to bottle corks. WOOD MAGAZINE #91 Oct 1996 (v.13#7) pg. 58
How to make and use a mini-chuck for quickly and easily turning small items such as pendulums, bottle stoppers and drawer knobs. Includes step-by-step diagram for making pendulums, bouchons, spigots and knobs. WOODTURNING #42 May 1996 pg. 36
Technique to make better fitting corks for decorative wine bottle stoppers. WOODTURNING #65 Jul 1998 pg. 84
Simple method for turning batches of wine bottle stoppers out of wood. WOODTURNING #76 Jun 1999 pg. 82
Custom made bottle stoppers are turned from a laminated blank made up of various thin strips. WOODWORKER Jan 1993 (v.97#1) pg. 38
How to use a machinist's collet chuck in the lathe to hold a variety of small, round work pieces. Includes jigs, patterns and tips for making multiples of bottle stoppers, pulls, and spinning tops from wood. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1992 (v.16#3) pg. 26