Magnolia's aerial magic. A guide to varieties and basic information on planting them.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Mar 1999 (v.77#3) pg. 131
Hardy magnolias. Brilliant blooms for colder climates.
FINE GARDENING #18 Mar-Apr 1991 pg. 26
Added Info FINE GARDENING #20 Jul-Aug 1991 pg. 8
Attributes and care of Ricki magnolia (Magnolia kobus stellata) summarized.
GARDEN GATE #13 Feb 1997 pg. 42
Magnolia cum laude. Advice on selecting and raising magnolias.
HARROWSMITH #108 Mar-Apr 1993 (v.17#6) pg. 60
Explanations on the cause of excessive vegetative growth on a saucer magnolia.
HORTICULTURE May 1991 (v.69#5) pg. 14
Testing the limits of the southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora). Cold-hardy cultivars listed.
HORTICULTURE Mar 1992 (v.70#3) pg. 54
Tips on why a 10-year-old evergreen magnolia has never bloomed.
HORTICULTURE Nov 1994 (v.72#9) pg. 8
How to propagate a magnolia from seed.
HORTICULTURE Apr 1995 (v.73#4) pg. 10
Magnolias. Varieties and species beyond the standard saucer or star magnolia. Guidelines on their planting and maintenance.
SUNSET Feb 1995 (v.194#2) pg. 63