Under wraps. A decorative technique of wrapping loops so necklace and earring dangles can't fall off. BEAD & BUTTON #5 Oct 1994 pg. 17
Finishing touches. How to make wire clasps. BEAD & BUTTON #8 Apr 1995 pg. 11
Bead tips, a special jewelry finding, are used when making earrings from beads with holes too small to fit on even the thinnest head pins. Includes instructions for making two styles of looped earrings. BEAD & BUTTON #8 Apr 1995 pg. 13
Tip describes a homemade tool to open and close tiny jump rings. BEAD & BUTTON #10 Aug 1995 pg. 4
How to make a wire eye or loop at the end of a piece of wire, head pin, or an eye pin. BEAD & BUTTON #12 Dec 1995 pg. 4
Tip shows how to open and close a wire loop. BEAD & BUTTON #12 Dec 1995 pg. 4
Photos show how to use cones to join ends of a multi-strand necklace. BEAD & BUTTON #15 Oct 1996 pg. 7
How to make wrapped loops to link delicate jewelry components. BEAD & BUTTON #20 Aug 1997 pg. 18
Seeing stars. Step-by-step photos show how to bend wire into star-shaped head pins with center coils. Stars can be used for earrings and pendants. BEAD & BUTTON #20 Aug 1997 pg. 39
Tip shows how to make a decorative beaded necklace clasp that snaps closed. BEAD & BUTTON #30 Apr 1999 pg. 8
The world of jewelry findings. Part 1. Beginning a new in-depth series for jewelry makers. Pin backs, stick pins, earring findings, cufflinks, and tie bars. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #563 Sep 1984 pg. 60
The world of jewelry findings. Part 2. Findings for bolas, buckles, studs, braclets, key rings, sweater guards, and rings. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #564 Oct 1984 pg. 20
The world of jewelry findings. Part 3. Bead stringing materials. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #565 Nov 1984 pg. 24
The world of jewelry findings. Part 4. Jewelry components including mountings, ring shanks, coin mounts, etc. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #566 Dec 1984 pg. 24
Two-sided bezel coin setting. How to fabricate your own coin-type mountings to display coins, medallions or flat slabs of interesting gemstones. Incorporate the mounts in pendants, necklaces, bracelets, cuff links, etc. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #567 Jan 1985 pg. 16
Tip on making a jig for forming wire patterns for jewelry parts. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1990 (v.43#10) pg. 98
Custom bezel setting workshop. Creating your own bezel settings. Requires basic knowledge of silversmithing skills, including sawing, filing, sanding, and soldering. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1992 (v.45#11) pg. 73
Set for life. Description of a lost wax method for making a bezel base and prongs to give opal the necessary protection for use in jewelry. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1992 (v.46#3) pg. 59
Try a tube setting. A quick method of stone setting that produces clean, professional results with a minimum of tools. Tube setting works best with round stones. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1992 (v.46#9) pg. 85
Ornamented bezel for a fragile stone. Advanced project for the jewelry maker. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1994 (v.48#3) pg. 88
Simple wire forms for jewelry are made from all sorts of wire (silver, copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, and iron). A project for beginners. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1994 (v.48#3) pg. 90
Three jewelry clasp designs. A basic slot-and-tab clasp design and two variations to make from silver sheet and tubing. Beginner level. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1996 (v.49#10) pg. 99
Non-soldered stone setting. A beginner-to-intermediate stone setting for large cabochons. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1996 (v.49#12) pg. 75
Tip on cutting prongs from a wide bezel strip for setting a cabochon. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1996 (v.49#12) pg. 104
Reverse bezel for holding a high-domed round cabochon. An intermediate metal project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1996 (v.50#2) pg. 151
The art of the clasp. Beginner clasp making project. Part 1. The "hook" section. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1996 (v.50#5) pg. 79
The art of the clasp. Part 2. The eye section. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1996 (v.50#6) pg. 106
Double stone bayonet clasp. High-domed cabochons are set in bezels with tab-and-slot mechanism. Intermediate metal and stone project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1996 (v.50#9) pg. 72
Head pins and how to use them. Possibilities and pitfalls a beginner should know. Explains selecting the right gauge of wire, the use of filler beads and how to make head pins. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1996 (v.50#9) pg. 74
Toggle clasps for beaded necklaces. A beginner-to-intermediate wire and bead project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1997 (v.51#8) pg. 76
Using Balinese findings and spacers to highlight special beads when making jewelry. Tips for beginners. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1998 (v.52#2) pg. 334
Puzzle clasps. Unique and decorative necklace clasps are based on variations of interlocking puzzle designs. Larger versions of the clasps can serve as belt buckles. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1999 (v.52#12) pg. 75
Simple brooch findings. Beginner-to-intermediate project. Part 1. The cylindrical hinge and clasp. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jul 1999 (v.53#4) pg. 89
Simple brooch findings. Part 2. The sheet hinge. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1999 (v.53#5) pg. 63
Making jump rings, the most useful of all findings. A beginner project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1999 (v.53#6) pg. 81
Classic ball catch. Intermediate-to-advanced project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1999 (v.53#8) pg. 83
Mechanical screw clasp for a necklace is strong and also acts as an ornamental element. Intermediate project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1999 (v.53#9) pg. 59
A technique for opening or closing wire rings used in jewelry making. THREADS #54 Aug-Sep 1994 pg. 16