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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Fluttering beads. Bead sculpture of a Prometheus moth is worked in brick stitch.
BEAD & BUTTON #24 Apr 1998 pg. 36

Patterns and instructions for six butterflies that can be embroidered or stitched in needlepoint on pillows, shawls, album covers and wall hangings.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Aug 1976 (v.54#8) pg. 66

Tip on how to make a frame full of 42 paper butterflies. Est. cost: $15.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1978 (v.56#7) pg. 99, 144

Large (11") facsimile of the Monarch butterfly features brightly painted metal wings.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jun 1988 (v.11#9) pg. 53

Art of woodburning. Pattern and tips for making a butterfly from thin basswood and decorating with woodburning and paint.
CHIP CHATS Sep-Oct 1998 (v.45#5) pg. 120

Crocheted butterfly.
CRAFTS May 1992 (v.15#5) pg. 74

Handmade notecards feature four different butterfly images drawn with colored pencils.
CRAFTS Sep 1994 (v.17#9) pg. 74, 51

Butterfly plant pokes. Cross stitched butterflies are attached to wire and inserted into flower pots for decoration.
CRAFTS Jun 1995 (v.18#6) pg. 49, 41

Delicate blue and gold butterfly motifs are cross-stitched on bendable wire-edged Aida band.
CRAFTS Apr 1997 (v.20#4) pg. 98, 43

Two flower and butterfly motifs to paint on purchased wooden butterfly houses.
CRAFTS Aug 1997 (v.20#8) pg. 36, 47

Cross-stitched sampler features eight butterflies.
CRAFTS Apr 1999 (v.22#3) pg. 14, Insert

Butterfly motifs to paint on a purchased straw hat and canvas vest.
CRAFTS May 1999 (v.22#4) pg. 51, Insert

A collection of butterfly projects to make. Includes a wooden box with a pair of butterflies decoupaged to the top. Butterfly patterns included.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Apr 1977 (v.8#3) pg. 60

Step-by-step instructions to painting brush-stroke butterflies.
DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Sep-Oct 1995 (v.22#5) pg. 8

Crochet a butterfly. Mount it on an ordinary clothespin and use it to clip papers together, decorate plants, etc.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Jan 1982 (v.194#1) pg. MA8

Patterns for four butterflies to be embroidered on white satin pillowslips or other objects.
LADIES HOME JOURNAL NEEDLE & CRAFT Fall-Winter 1979 (v.10#1) pg. 86, 116

How to make gemstone butterflies that are delicate enough to appear "real", yet sturdy enough to be worn as jewelry.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1978 (v.32#1) pg. 110

Lepidoptera lapidary. Making artificial butterflies from thin slabs of agate and wire.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1993 (v.47#1) pg. 102

Oversize butterfly figures are made from wood and painted with bright colors.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #52 Jan 1990 (v.9#4) pg. 35
Added Info POPULAR WOODWORKING #55 Jul 1990 (v.10#1) pg. 6

Brush stroke workshop. Painting a stylized butterfly.
TOLE WORLD #114 Jan-Feb 1992 (v.16#1) pg. 68

Dancing butterflies are made from paper and thread and dipped in melted wax. Suspend them from mobiles or mount on wires and insert into potted plants.
WORKBASKET Oct 1980 (v.46#1) pg. 66

Ceramic-like butterflies are made from color pictures of butterflies, paper, white glue, and clear glaze.
WORKBASKET May 1985 (v.50#7) pg. 28