Computer decoder circuit for deciphering the DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) dial tones picked up from a telephone, mobile telephone, scanner, shortwave radio, etc. COMPUTERCRAFT Jun 1992 (v.2#6) pg. 51
DTMF (dual-tone multifrequency) decoder for tones heard on a scanner or amateur-band receiver will display the results on a liquid crystal display. Decoder has a memory capacity of 64 digits. Est. cost: $95 (kit). ELECTRONICS NOW Nov 1993 (v.64#11) pg. 53
Autopatch selector for radio amateurs. Remotely-controlled device is used to activate up to 16 different devices upon receipt of the proper DTMF (dual-tone multifrequency) codes sent by a UHF transceiver. Primary use is to select from more than one UHF transceiver when interfacing to a telephone line. ELECTRONICS NOW Nov 1993 (v.64#11) pg. 64
Build the DTMF-Plus. Decode dual-tone modulated-frequency (DTMF) signals from any source (home automation equipment, amateur radio repeaters, telephones, etc.). Est. cost: $33 (kit). ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1997 (v.68#7) pg. 46
The adaptable DTMF tone pad (an amateur-radio gadget for phone-radio) can generate all 16 standard DTMF tone pairs, will automatically key a connected transceiver, and contains a built-in amplifier and speaker to monitor the tone pairs as they are transmitted. Est. cost: $20. POPTRONIX HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK Winter 1996 pg. 44
DTMF decoder and logger will keep track of phone numbers that were called from your home or decode the tones you hear in broadcasts. Stores the last 240 characters decoded for display on the LCD. Est. cost: $27 (kit). POPTRONIX HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK Winter 1996 pg. 77
Build a DTMF decoder/logger. It can decode all 16 DTMF tones that are used by a standard touch-tone telephone, and automatically keep track of the last 240 characters entered. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1995 (v.12#9) pg. 37
DTMF wire tracer. A tone generator placed at one end of a wire bundle, and a tone decoder at the other end, allows up to 16 conductors to be easily identified in only a matter of seconds. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1997 (v.14#7) pg. 33
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1997 (v.14#12) pg. 6
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1998 (v.15#2) pg. 5
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1998 (v.15#4) pg. 6
DTMF frequency counter lets you test the output signals from a telephone keypad. Est. cost: $16. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1997 (v.14#8) pg. 54
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1997 (v.14#10) pg. 8
DTMF computer interface. Decode DTMF tones picked up by your scanner and display that information on your computer screen (or save it to memory) with this simple scanner-to-computer interface circuit. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1999 (v.16#4) pg. 31
Tips on using DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) tones to control several different devices. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1990 (v.61#8) pg. 12
Control circuitry. Part 2. Latches (continued) and DTMF tone generators. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1990 (v.61#11) pg. 83
Control circuitry. Part 3. DTMF tone generator operates under keyboard or program control RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1990 (v.61#12) pg. 78