Added Info POPULAR WOODWORKING #57 Nov 1990 (v.10#3) pg. 6
Auxiliary, adjustable 16"x22" tilting table for use on a drill press.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #57 Nov 1990 (v.10#3) pg. 72
Drill press table. Turn your drill press into a versatile woodworking machine with this accessory table that features an adjustable fence, adjustable stop blocks, holddowns, and replaceable inserts.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #108 May 1999 (v.19#2) pg. 58
Tilting drill press table adjusts easily for drilling angled holes and lies flat for drilling vertical holes. Fastens to your regular table and includes an adjustable fence and a replacable center insert.
SHOPNOTES #6 Nov 1992 (v.1) pg. 4
Counterweight system for a drill press makes it easy to raise and lower the movable table.
SHOPNOTES #11 Sep 1993 (v.2) pg. 4
Drill press auxiliary table incorporates a micro-adjustable fence and attaches directly to the original drill press table.
SHOPNOTES #18 Nov 1994 (v.3) pg. 16
Auxiliary table (in the shape of an I-beam) facilitates clamping and drilling small pieces on a drill press.
SHOPNOTES #21 May 1995 (v.4) pg. 29
Drill press hold down. Auxiliary table is equipped with an adjustable fence, stop block and hold-down clamp for accurately positioning a work piece. The table also has a replaceable insert for the protective top.
SHOPNOTES #22 Jul 1995 (v.4) pg. 4
Auxiliary table (12"x30") is fitted with an adjustable fence.
SHOPNOTES #38 Mar 1998 (v.7) pg. 22, 30
Simple tilted platform facilitates drilling holes at specified angles on a drill press without the need to reset the table.
SHOPNOTES #46 Jul 1999 (v.8) pg. 28
Tip on using "Quick Grip" clamps on a drill press table.
SPORT AVIATION Sep 1994 (v.43#9) pg. 100
Tip recommends a drill-press scrap wood tabletop in contrasting-color wood.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #50 Mar 1996 (v.9#2) pg. 5
Auxiliary drill-press table has dowels in the bottom so it can be easily lifted off and a replaceable insert under the chuck.
WOOD MAGAZINE #40 Jan 1991 (v.8#1) pg. 14
Tip on using a small mirror to read the tilt-angle scale on some drill-press tables.
WOOD MAGAZINE #71 Aug 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 13
Hold-down clamps for drill press table.
WOOD MAGAZINE #84 Dec 1995 (v.12#9) pg. 55, Insert
The super-versatile drill-press table. An L-shaped (horizontal and vertical) table coupled with a pair of firm fences and hold-down clamps.
WOOD MAGAZINE #86 Feb 1996 (v.13#2) pg. 38
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #101 Dec 1997 (v.14#8) pg. 10
Tip on using wood filler blocks underneath a drill press table to facilitate the use of C-clamps.
WOODSMITH #67 Feb 1990 pg. 4
Simple wooden gauges to adjust a tilting drill press table to a particular angle.
WOODSMITH #76 Aug 1991 pg. 16
Angled platform for drilling angled holes on a drill press with a non-adjusting table.
WOODSMITH #76 Aug 1991 pg. 16
Tip describes how to use a table saw miter gauge to set an adjustable drill press table for drilling angled holes.
WOODSMITH #107 Oct 1996 (v.18) pg. 5
Auxiliary table and adjustable fence for a drill press. The fence incorporates an adjustable stop block.
WOODSMITH #118 Aug 1998 (v.20) pg. 5
Simple oversize auxiliary wooden table and adjustable fence for a drill press.
WOODSMITH #123 Jun 1999 (v.21) pg. 29
Simple extension (enlarged) table for a drill press is made from plywood.
WOODWORK #24 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 16
Modifying carriage bolts so that they can be inserted FROM THE TOP into the hold-down slots in drill press tables. This facilitates the quick attachment and removal of various jigs without having to fully remove the hold-down bolts.
WOODWORKER Aug 1994 (v.98#8) pg. 81
Exploit your drill press. Part 1. How to make drilling easier with a variety of templates, jigs and other modifications. Includes an auxiliary table, guide fence, stop blocks, etc.
WOODWORKER Mar 1995 (v.99#3) pg. 71
Exploit your drilling machine. Part 4. A look at angled holes in board components. Making and using an adjustable drilling table.
WOODWORKER Jul 1995 (v.99#7) pg. 78
Pivot fence for an oversize drill press table incorporates a T-slot track and adjustable stop block.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1999 (v.23#6) pg. 14
Use an automotive muffler clamp to provide extra support for a heavy drill press table.
WORKBENCH Oct-Nov 1994 (v.50#5) pg. 24
Jig simplifies checking a bench top drill press tilting table to make sure it is square to the spindle and bit.
WORKBENCH Aug 1997 (v.53#4) pg. 10
Drill press table (36"x16") features space for large work pieces, adjustable fence, adjustable stop block, and two storage drawers.
WORKBENCH #253 May-Jun 1999 (v.55#3) pg. 56