Build a video test signal generator to help repair or calibrate a computer video monitor. AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1991 [Oct 1991] (v.22#4) pg. 26
Color-bar generator. Produces an NTSC color-bar test pattern that can be used for video performance testing and monitor adjustments. Est. cost: $80. ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1993 pg. 51
Build this EPROM-based multifunction video signal generator. Use it for testing TV sets and experimenting with the generation of video patterns. ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1996 (v.67#7) pg. 51
Build this EPROM-based video pattern generator. Produces three independent test patterns (checkerboard, color-bar, and programmable custom picture). Use for testing TV sets and experiments with pattern generators. POPTRONIX EXPERIMENTER HANDBOOK Summer 1997 pg. 32
PC monitor checker. This low-cost video source is sufficient to test EGA, VGA and Hercules MGA displays, as well as composite-video monitors. Est. cost: $25-$35. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1999 (v.16#5) pg. 47
Color bar generator produces an NTSC color-bar test pattern that can be used for video performance testing and monitor adjustments. Est. cost: $80. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1991 (v.62#7) pg. 41
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1991 (v.62#10) pg. 14
Monitor tester. Sync generator lets you test computer monitors without having to connect them to a computer. Provides horizontal sync, vertical sync, and RGB video for three popular styles of monitors (CGA, EGA, and VGA). RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1992 (v.63#1) pg. 47
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1992 (v.63#6) pg. 14