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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to determine if you have meadow voles or pine voles and how to eradicate them.
FINE GARDENING #23 Jan-Feb 1992 pg. 12

Tip on using a terrier breed of dog to control voles.
FINE GARDENING #37 May-Jun 1994 pg. 8

Advice on ridding a garden of voles.
FINE GARDENING #57 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 14

Tar-based auto body undercoating spray recommended to deter voles from gnawing shrubs.
FINE GARDENING #59 Jan-Feb 1998 pg. 10

Make protective caging to keep voles from eating plant roots and crowns.
GARDEN GATE #11 Oct 1996 pg. 5

A description of voles and the damage they can do to plants. How to recognize their signs in a garden, how to manage a habitat to discourage them and other methods of control.
KITCHEN GARDEN #12 Dec 1997-Jan 1998 pg. 72

Tips on controlling voles in a garden.
ORGANIC GARDENING May-Jun 1995 (v.42#5) pg. 20