GRP hull construction. Part 1. What are GRP (fiberglass) moldings and how they are made.
MODEL BOATS #483 May 1991 (v.41) pg. 16
GRP hull construction. Part 2. Selecting a hull to mold.
MODEL BOATS #484 Jun 1991 (v.41) pg. 26
GRP hull construction. Part 3. Fitting out techniques.
MODEL BOATS #485 Jul 1991 (v.41) pg. 23
GRP hull construction. Part 4. Fitting wooden inwales, deck beams, and bulkheads inside the hull.
MODEL BOATS #486 Aug 1991 (v.41) pg. 19
GRP hull construction. Part 5. Trimming the fiberglass and attaching the inwales.
MODEL BOATS #487 Sep 1991 (v.41) pg. 31
GRP hull construction. Part 6. Installing bulkheads.
MODEL BOATS #488 Oct 1991 (v.41) pg. 24
GRP hull construction. Part 7. Additional woodwork (extra deck beams, framing around openings, ...) and fitting propeller shafts, rudders, motor mounts, etc.
MODEL BOATS #489 Nov 1991 (v.41) pg. 32
GRP hull construction. Part 8. Fixing exterior defects in preparation for painting.
MODEL BOATS #490 Dec 1991 (v.41) pg. 16
GRP hull construction. Part 9. (1) Cutting and drilling fiberglass. (2) Tips on installing steam power in a fiberglass hull.
MODEL BOATS #491 Jan 1992 (v.42) pg. 24
Added Info MODEL BOATS #494 Apr 1992 (v.42) pg. 9 (Steam power)
GRP hull construction. Part 10. The best ways of cutting and drilling fiberglass.
MODEL BOATS #492 Feb 1992 (v.42) pg. 44
GRP hull construction. Part 11. Exterior surface preparation and priming.
MODEL BOATS #493 Mar 1992 (v.42) pg. 22
GRP hull construction. Part 12. Painting.
MODEL BOATS #494 Apr 1992 (v.42) pg. 22
GRP hull construction. Part 13. Painting.
MODEL BOATS #495 May 1992 (v.42) pg. 52
GRP hull construction. Part 14. Holes for shafts, rudders, etc.
MODEL BOATS #496 Jun 1992 (v.42) pg. 14
Tip on simulating hull rivets using knotted cotton thread.
MODEL BOATS #499 Sep 1992 (v.42) pg. 26
Technique for simulating weld seams on the hull of a model boat using non-waxed thread that has been saturated with glue.
MODEL BOATS #525 Nov 1994 (v.44) pg. 34
Simple jig keeps the plastic hull of a model boat from warping during construction.
MODEL BOATS #527 Jan 1995 (v.45) pg. 48
Basics of making glass reinforced plastic model boat hulls for multi and scale purposes.
MODEL BOATS #531 May 1995 (v.45) pg. 20
Composite boat hull. Techniques for preparing a plug, molding, and vacuum-forming a fiberglass model boat hull.
MODEL BOATS #569 May 28 1998 (v.48) pg. 60
Hull construction for a model sailing ship. Constructing a fully planked hull on bulkheads for a 1:100 model of a square-rigger.
Decks and hull finishes for a model sailing ship (a 1:100 model of a square-rigger).