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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Hardware multiplier circuit takes 8-bit operands and computes a 16-bit product in 10 clock periods.
BYTE Jul 1977 (v.2#7) pg. 36

How to multiply in a wet climate. How to add a MIL spec high speed multiplier to a 6800 processor. Part 1. Use and basis for a design.
BYTE Apr 1978 (v.3#4) pg. 28

How to multiply in a wet climate. How to add a MIL spec high speed multiplier to a 6800 processor. Part 2. Design details.
BYTE May 1978 (v.3#5) pg. 104

The number crunching processor. A profile of the new National Semiconductor MM57109 microprocessor which is designed specifically for numberic processing. Includes a schematic for interfacing the processor to a computer.
BYTE Aug 1978 (v.3#8) pg. 64

Clockless multiplication and division cards. Theoretical circuits that multiply and divide binary numbers without a clock.
BYTE Dec 1978 (v.3#12) pg. 128

The IBM PC and the Intel 8087 coprocessor. Part 1. Overview and floating-point assembly-language support. Software utility to make use of the 8087 Numeric Data Processor.
BYTE Aug 1983 (v.8#8) pg. 331

The IBM PC and the Intel 8087 coprocessor. Part 2. Interfacing to IBM Pascal to speed up most Pascal programs by a factor of three.
BYTE Sep 1983 (v.8#9) pg. 331

Trump card. Part 1. Hardware. Speed up your IBM PC with 16-bit coprocessing power. Speed up system throughput and execution of BASIC programs. Est. cost: $525-$1325.
BYTE May 1984 (v.9#5) pg. 40

Trump card. Part 2. Software. TBASIC and C compilers for this Z8000 coprocessor board.
BYTE Jun 1984 (v.9#6) pg. 115

The PF474. A coprocessor chip for string comparison.
BYTE Nov 1984 (v.9#12) pg. 247

An 80287 socket rocket. Low-cost enhancement to speed up the 80287 floating-point math coprocessor.
COMPUTERCRAFT Apr 1991 (v.1#1) pg. 48

Adding the right math coprocessor to your PC.
COMPUTERCRAFT May 1991 (v.1#2) pg. 14

Coprocessors. What they are, the benefits they provide, and selecting the right one for your PC.
COMPUTERCRAFT Jul 1993 (v.3#7) pg. 37

Number crunching: two hardware solutions. (1) Install the National Semiconductor MM57109 arithmetic processor or (2) the AM9511 from Advanced Micro Devices. Each of them is treated as a support device within a microcomputer system.

The MM57109 number cruncher. How to interface a number-oriented microprocessor to an 1802-based microcomputer, plus the necessary software to obtain an operating system.

Assembler language subroutines for use with the AM9511A arithmetic processor (in slot 5) with Apple Pascal.
MICROCOMPUTING Aug 1982 (v.6#8) pg. 34

Hardware digital divide-by-seven circuit utilizes an EPROM to do "table lookup" of a fancy math function.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1985 (v.1#6) pg. 76

NOM card for the 1802. Part 1. Add-on math board for an 1802-based microcomputer. Est. cost: $98.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1978 (v.49#12) pg. 45

NOM card for the 1802. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1979 (v.50#1) pg. 58