Unorthodox lathe toolpost grinder. Build a grinding head that is rotated using a flexible shaft powered by a remotely-located electric motor. The grinding head also converts your vertical milling machine into a surface grinder. PROJECTS IN METAL Jun 1988 (v.1#3) pg. 15
Expansion arbor uses a tapered pipe plug to do the expanding. PROJECTS IN METAL Feb 1989 (v.2#1) pg. 24
Substitute a lever (attached to an eccentric pin) in place of the push-pull knob used to activate a power cross-feed. PROJECTS IN METAL Apr 1989 (v.2#2) pg. 18
An easily inserted and easily removed hand crank for a metal lathe allows for very low-speed turning when cutting unique material (such as acrylic resins). PROJECTS IN METAL Jun 1989 (v.2#3) pg. 10
Adjustable pop-stop for a Myford ML7B lathe. This safe stop avoids the risk of jamming the carriage against a rigid stop and damaging the gear train when using power feed. PROJECTS IN METAL Aug 1989 (v.2#4) pg. 15
Indicator clamps for lathe beds. Make small, unobtrusive clamps for holding dial indicators which are used to track carriage travel. PROJECTS IN METAL Apr 1990 (v.3#2) pg. 16
Risers for a 6" Atlas or Craftsman metal lathe. Used to raise the headstock, tool post, and tailstock to make a 7" lathe. PROJECTS IN METAL Apr 1990 (v.3#2) pg. 22
Simple jig for resetting the lathe tool height each time the tool is disturbed. PROJECTS IN METAL Aug 1990 (v.3#4) pg. 24
Power feed ball turning fixture automatically cuts the ball shapes on the ends of ball handles, connecting rods, etc. PROJECTS IN METAL Dec 1990 (v.3#6) pg. 20
A simple tool to measure lathe carriage travel is made from a magnet and small dial gauge. SKINNED KNUCKLES #200 Mar 1993 (v.17#8) pg. 19