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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Tip for protecting fingers when using a cutoff box, tenoning jig, etc.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #16 Sep-Oct 1990 pg. 10

Tip on painting red "danger zones" near circular saw blades.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #26 May-Jun 1992 pg. 12

Table saw safety. Common-sense guidelines for staying out of trouble when ripping, crosscutting, cutting dadoes (or grooves and rabbets), molding, and tenoning.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #27 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 28
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #28 Sep-Oct 1992 pg. 4
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #29 Nov-Dec 1992 pg. 4

Four articles on preventing table saw accidents. Five case studies of hazards and their avoidance discuss kickbacks, getting to close to the blade, the danger of loose objects, plastic laminate that shifts and shatters and leaning into the cut. Discusses using a blade guard and ways to shield the blade when the standard guard can't be used. Includes a summary of how to react in the case of amputations, lacerations and eye injuries.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #64 Feb 1998 pg. 62
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #66 Jun 1998 pg. 12
Correction AMERICAN WOODWORKER #66 Jun 1998 pg. 14

Tip on scoring cutting lines on a table saw top to improve accuracy.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Oct 2000 (v.24#1) pg. 12

Tips to avoid table saw kickback.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #357 Apr 1995 (v.45#4) pg. 11

Using the table saw. Some basic rules for safe, accurate results. Includes tips on choosing a blade.
FINE WOODWORKING #34 May-Jun 1982 pg. 61

Patternsawing. How to make identical pieces on a table saw and a band saw.
FINE WOODWORKING #47 Jul-Aug 1984 pg. 54

Tip: When making small cutoffs (such as pieces of dowel, etc.), use your shop vacuum to collect them instead of reaching in with your fingers.
FINE WOODWORKING #69 Mar-Apr 1988 pg. 10

Mastering the table saw. How to be safe in every cutting situation. Advice on using the rip fence, ripping, rabbeting, push sticks, featherboards, auxiliary fences, miter gauge, saw guards, etc.
FINE WOODWORKING #97 Nov-Dec 1992 pg. 87

Table saw kickback. Causes and prevention of this common shop hazard.
FINE WOODWORKING #116 Jan-Feb 1996 pg. 64

Safe procedures at the table saw. Guidelines for preventing problems. Shop made accessories (push sticks, push paddles, push shoes, zero-clearance inserts, featherboards, outfeed table) and demonstrated techniques for crosscutting, ripping, beveling, rabbeting, grooving, and dado cutting.
FINE WOODWORKING #132 Sep-Oct 1998 pg. 84

Table saw kickback. A look at the causes and ways to prevent the problem.
FINE WOODWORKING #139 Nov-Dec 1999 pg. 70

Working safely with power tools. Some tips for table saw and portable circular saw.
HOME MECHANIX #694 Feb 1986 (v.82) pg. 24

How to get the most out of a table model circular saw. Techniques and jigs you can use.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #456 May 1966 (v.62) pg. 92

An easy way of making several duplicate parts on a table saw by using a template or pattern and an auxiliary fence clamped to the regular fence.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #462 Nov 1966 (v.62) pg. 19

Table saw safety. Tips on preventing binding and maintaining control of the work piece.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #160 Feb-Mar 1997 pg. 18

Tackling the table saw. Tips on rip cuts, crosscuts, bevel cuts, mitering, etc.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1989 (v.166#5) pg. 135

How to saw correctly with a table saw.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1964 (v.184#6) pg. 104

Fancy repetitive designs cut in wood using a table saw.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1964 (v.185#1) pg. 138

Tip suggests using shim washers to shift a table saw blade to the right of the insert clearance slot so very narrow strips won't fall through the throat hole when they are cut.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #88 Jan 1996 (v.15#4) pg. 9

Twenty one table saw safety rules.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #97 Jul 1997 (v.17#3) pg. 24

Tip on using a framing square to "fool" the rip fence and square-up large glued-up panels on a table saw.
SHOPNOTES #9 May 1993 (v.2) pg. 29

Avoiding table saw kickback. Using splitter inserts, featherboards, and other devices.
SHOPNOTES #21 May 1995 (v.4) pg. 4

Technique for cutting a groove in a round corner using a dado blade in a table saw.
SHOPNOTES #36 Nov 1997 (v.6) pg. 28

A tried-and-true method for squaring up stock using a table saw.
WOOD MAGAZINE #49 Jan 1992 (v.9#1) pg. 71

Advice for accident-free use of a table saw.
WOOD MAGAZINE #59 Feb 1993 (v.10#2) pg. 60

Tips on overcoming kickback accidents with both radial arm and table saws.
WOOD MAGAZINE #91 Oct 1996 (v.13#7) pg. 83

Play it safe with table saw add-ons. (1) Do not use a rip fence as a cutoff gauge. (2) Improper placement of a feather-board.
WOOD MAGAZINE #104 Mar 1998 (v.15#2) pg. 20

Safe ways to saw small pieces on a table saw using miter gauge and universal jig clamp-ups.
WOOD MAGAZINE #106 Jun 1998 (v.15#4) pg. 16

Be safety savvy around your table saw. Tips on avoiding the most common cause of injuries in the workshop.
WOOD MAGAZINE #128 Nov 2000 (v.17#8) pg. 34

Eliminate chip-out when using table saw, router, jointer, band saw, scroll saw, jig saw, and portable circular saw.
WOOD MAGAZINE #135 Sep 2001 (v.18#6) pg. 68

Tips on avoiding kickback when using a table saw, portable circular saw, and chainsaw.
WOOD MAGAZINE #140 Mar 2002 (v.19#2) pg. 12
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #143 Sep 2002 (v.19#5) pg. 11

Tips on making safe "through" cuts and "partial" cuts using the miter gauge and/or rip fence on a table saw.
WOODSMITH #29 Sep-Oct 1983 pg. 23

Tip on marking a table saw so that the cut-mark on a work piece can be more accurately aligned with the outside of the saw blade.
WOODSMITH #92 Apr 1994 (v.16) pg. 5

Safest ways to prevent accidents at the table saw.
WOODWORKER Nov 1991 (v.95#11) pg. 1198