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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Aeolian wind harp. Place in a partially opened window and let the wind play this stringed instrument.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #16 Sep-Oct 1990 pg. 32
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #20 May-Jun 1991 pg. 4

Bamboo wind harp.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1965 (v.123#4) pg. 182

Aeolian harp, a stringed instrument played by the wind.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1965 (v.123#5) pg. 144

Build a wind harp (Aeolian harp). When set in an open window, it produces a sound like distant bells when the wind blows over the strings.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #74 Sep 1993 (v.13#2) pg. 36, Insert

Aeolian harp plays music as the wind blows across the strings.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1992 (v.16#4) pg. 36