Tips on how to keep the nozzle of a bottle of cyanoacrylate adhesive ("super glue") from clogging. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #32 May-Jun 1993 pg. 10
Tips on using "super glue" (cyanoacrylate adhesive) to bond wood. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #40 Oct 1994 pg. 13
Tip on combining white glue and cyanoacrylate glue when working with wood. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Feb 1998 (v.21#5) pg. 14
Tip on prolonging the shelf life of an opened container of cyanoacrylate glue. FINE WOODWORKING #92 Jan-Feb 1992 pg. 28
Guide to super glues that fill and fix virtually all modeling materials. What is available and tips on their use. FINESCALE MODELER Jan 1995 (v.13#1) pg. 36
Tip on using a cut-off sewing needle to apply super glue. FINESCALE MODELER Apr 1998 (v.16#4) pg. 68
How to apply "superglue" exactly where you want it in model building. IPMS/USA JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1996 (v.8#3) pg. 19
Another look at super glue. How to make and use an application tool to transfer only one drop of glue at a time. IPMS/USA JOURNAL May-Jun 1996 (v.8#4) pg. 31
Tip on making and using "nubs" to apply super glue to small (1/700 scale) ship models. IPMS/USA JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1996 (v.8#5) pg. 18
Tip on using baking soda as an accelerator for CyA glue. MODEL AVIATION Sep 1990 (v.16#9) pg. 16
Composition, physical properties, hazards, precautions and disposal of cyanoacrylate (CyA) glue. MODEL AVIATION Aug 1994 (v.20#8) pg. 11
Advice on storing and using cyanoacrylate glue (CyA). MODEL AVIATION Nov 1999 (v.25#11) pg. 88
Advice on how to get cyanoacrylate adhesive to bond immediately on wood. POPULAR WOODWORKING #93 Nov 1996 (v.16#5) pg. 10
Tip on converting the hollow plastic stick found on some cotton swabs into an applicator for cyano adhesive. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Oct 1994 (v.37#10) pg. 58
What woodworkers need to know about cyanoacrylate adhesive. WOOD MAGAZINE #67 Jan 1994 (v.11#1) pg. 62
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #76 Jan 1995 (v.12#1) pg. 24
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #77 Feb 1995 (v.12#2) pg. 15
Using cyanoacrylate "super glue" and fine sanding to finish small wood turnings. WOOD MAGAZINE #116 Aug 1999 (v.16#5) pg. 58
Using superglue to aid in turning. Part 1. History of superglues, brand recommendations, and using superglue to aid in turning small wooden bowls. WOODWORKER Jul 1990 (v.94#7) pg. 694
Using superglue to aid in turning. Part 2. Turning small round boxes with fitted lids. WOODWORKER Mar 1991 (v.95#3) pg. 276
Cyanoacrylate woodworking adhesives. What is available and tips on their use. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1995 (v.19#5) pg. 54