A test of double-sided tape for holding bowl blanks to faceplates. AMERICAN WOODTURNER Sep 1992 (v.7#3) pg. 29
Three techniques for faceplate mounting without leaving screw holes. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #47 Oct 1995 pg. 14
Tip on faceplate turning of wooden bowl lids with a minimum of damage from the attachment screws. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #47 Oct 1995 pg. 30
Plywood disc (faceplate) with profiled jaws is used to grab almost any wooden bowl so that the bottom can be easily turned. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #79 Apr 2000 pg. 22
Bowl turning with a glue block. Using fast-setting glue and a stub tenon to secure a work piece for faceplate turning. FINE WOODWORKING #94 May-Jun 1992 pg. 70
Make inexpensive faceplates from a hex nut welded to a large flat washer. FINE WOODWORKING #108 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 20
Simple method for attaching a bowl blank to a lathe faceplate. FINE WOODWORKING #115 Nov-Dec 1995 pg. 18
Shop-made faceplate for a wood lathe. A large nut with suitable thread is epoxied to a wooden disk and trued up. SHOPNOTES #38 Mar 1998 (v.7) pg. 4
Carpet padding, marked with concentric circles, serves as a padded faceplate on a lathe tailstock and makes mounting easy when cutting the relief in the bottom of a turned bowl. WOOD MAGAZINE #102 Winter 1997 (v.14#9) pg. 27
Tip on using a "pusher" to force off a work piece that has been attached to a faceplate using double-faced tape. WOOD MAGAZINE #119 Dec 1999 (v.16#8) pg. 30
A plywood disk (faceplate) covered with non-slip padding is used along with a ball-bearing tailstock to support a wooden bowl while turning the foot. WOOD MAGAZINE #133 May-Jun 2001 (v.18#4) pg. 30
Method for removing and replacing a turning in the exact same position on a faceplate. WOOD MAGAZINE #137 Nov 2001 (v.18#8) pg. 40
Tip on centering a faceplate on a turning blank. WOODSMITH #125 Oct 1999 (v.21) pg. 4
Added information on using a paper glue joint to attach turning blank to faceplate. WOODTURNING #17 Nov 1993 pg. 4
A rubber-covered faceplate and a rubber-tipped cone for the tailstock are used to support a lathe-turned wooden bowl of any size while cleaning up the outside and foot. WOODTURNING #23 Jun 1994 pg. 72
Using hot glue to attach a bowl blank to a faceplate (or to a scrap block attached to a faceplate). WOODTURNING #26 Oct 1994 pg. 42
Inexpensive faceplates are made from plywood discs and brass pipe fittings. WOODTURNING #28 Dec 1994-Jan 1995 pg. 72
Tip on a device for freeing work from a faceplate. WOODTURNING #41 Apr 1996 pg. 77
Tip shows how to make a combination screwchuck and faceplate. WOODTURNING #43 Jun 1996 pg. 76
Tip describes using a spigot turned on the work piece to solve the problem of mounting endgrain to a faceplate so the screws don't tear out under side load. WOODTURNING #43 Jun 1996 pg. 77
Tip shows how to make a chuck with wooden back and thin aluminum faceplate. Hot melt glue attaches work piece to the faceplate. WOODTURNING #46 Oct 1996 pg. 76
Faceplate thrift. How to make multiple faceplates cheaply. WOODTURNING #59 Jan 1998 pg. 39
Tip on removing a stuck faceplate by temporarily attaching a wooden lever. WOODTURNING #60 Feb 1998 pg. 77
Tip on centering a faceplate ring on a bowl blank. WOODTURNING #61 Mar 1998 pg. 77
Tip on using a rubber washer to prevent a faceplate from locking to the spindle. WOODTURNING #72 Feb 1999 pg. 5
Rotating disk of plywood simulates a faceplate and allows you to visualize the placement of spinning burls before attaching them to the actual faceplate. WOODTURNING #74 Apr 1999 pg. 82
Tip on enlarging the diameter of a faceplate using plywood. WOODTURNING #79 Sep 1999 pg. 65
Technique for attaching a lathe faceplate to the bottom of a wooden bowl so that it can be easily shifted to center the bowl. WOODWORK #8 Winter 1990 pg. 28
Tip on adding two alignment holes to a faceplate to make it easier to remove and reattach the work piece. WOODWORK #35 Oct 1995 pg. 12
How to attach a drill chuck to a lathe faceplate so that the drill chuck can be used to grip small work pieces. WOODWORKER Jan 1991 (v.95#1) pg. 99
Make a faceplate ring to use in place of a screw-chuck. WOODWORKER Jun 1991 (v.95#6) pg. 640
Modified faceplate forms the basis for a versatile shop-made work holding system., including cup chuck, friction drive, mandrel, and collet chuck. WOODWORKER Jul 1992 (v.96#7) pg. 76
Tip on making a lathe faceplate from an old automobile oil filter with the correct thread. WOODWORKER Dec 1992 (v.96#12) pg. 55
Technique for chucking small faceplate work on the lathe using hot melt glue. WOODWORKER Jun 1995 (v.99#6) pg. 78
Lathe faceplate which can be rotated in either direction without coming loose. WOODWORKING INTERNATIONAL #14 Dec 1989-Jan 1990 pg. 56
Wooden lever-style tool for removing a threaded faceplate from a lathe. WORKBENCH Jun-Jul 1991 (v.47#3) pg. 16