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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Bleaching wood. What is available in chemical bleaches and advice on their use.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER Sep-Oct 1988 (v.4#4) pg. 27

Bleaching wood. Three methods are described (oxalic acid, chlorine bleach, and two-part bleach).
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #45 Jun 1995 pg. 72

Bleaching wood. An overview of the four types of bleach that woodworkers commonly use.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #72 Apr 1999 pg. 34

Lighten up. What you need to know about wood bleach.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Sep 2000 (v.23#10) pg. 20

Bleaching wood. A versatile means for lightening wood. Compares results from using 3 different bleaches (oxalic acid, chlorine bleach, and A/B wood bleach).
FINE WOODWORKING #86 Jan-Feb 1991 pg. 65
Correction FINE WOODWORKING #87 Mar-Apr 1991 pg. 34, 36

Using wood bleach chemicals which remove stains and lighten wood.
FINE WOODWORKING #124 May-Jun 1997 pg. 62
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #125 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 8

Removing the natural color from wood using bleach.
WOOD MAGAZINE #125 Jul-Aug 2000 (v.17#5) pg. 18

Tip on bleaching and filling wenge wood to achieve a stark black and white contrast.
WOODWORK #15 May-Jun 1992 pg. 12

Advice on using wood bleach.
WOODWORK #42 Dec 1996 pg. 22

Wood finishing with bleach. Why woodworkers should want to bleach their work and guidelines for safe and effective bleaching.
WOODWORKER May 1991 (v.95#5) pg. 466
Correction WOODWORKER Aug 1991 (v.95#8) pg. 787