In-hull transducer installation. Technique for installing an electronic depth sounder transducer against the inside hull. BOAT JOURNAL #73 Jun-Jul 1990 pg. 22
Underwater eyes. A depth sounder helps you steer clear of the hazards below. Tips on selecting and using. BOATING WORLD #97 Feb 1994 pg. 30
Pre-launch checklist for electronic boating equipment. Tips on checking out your depth finder, VHF-FM radio, Loran-C, GPS, and radar. BOATING WORLD #100 May 1994 pg. 34
Transducer troubleshooting. Increasing the accuracy of bottom-reading sonar, especially at high speed. BOATING WORLD #108 Apr 1995 pg. 26
Tip on temporarily mounting a depth sounder transducer using silicone sealant. BOATING WORLD #112 Aug-Sep 1995 pg. 63
Kit assembly report on the Heathkit MI-29 and the Knight-Kit KG-711 depth sounders/fish finders. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1971 (v.14#3) pg. 32
Alarm circuit for a boat depth sounder. Sounds an alarm if the depth-indicator light flashes. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Apr 1987 (v.4#4) pg. 95
Build the fishing guide, a water-temperature measuring device that helps you locate the "thermocline" region where fish like to congregate. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Sep 1987 (v.4#9) pg. 24
A depth finder for your boat. Tips on installing the transducer so it can perform at maximum level. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #651 Aug 1982 (v.78) pg. 69
Build your own sonar system. Simple circuit uses one IC and can be used as a submerged object detector, depth finder or fish locator. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1976 (v.10#1) pg. 81
Carrying case to make a depth finder portable. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1965 (v.123#3) pg. 150
Two ways of carrying along a depth sounder. (1) Strap one to a wader float tube when fishing without a boat and (2) tote it along in any boat when installed in a tackle box. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1976 (v.146#1) pg. 77
A guide to computerized depth finders for fishermen and what to consider when you buy one. POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1979 (v.214#2) pg. 94
Filtered circuit to power a 12-volt depth finder with a 12-volt boat power supply. SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [1] Feb-Mar 1970 (v.28#1) pg. 16
Depth finders. How they work, what is available, and tips on installation and use. SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #55 Jun-Jul 1987 pg. 44