Circuit for a FSM that is 100 time more sensitive at 1/5 the price. Est. cost: under $10. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jan 1979 (v.35#1) pg. 99
Antenna accessories for the hamshack. Part 5. R.F.I. meter and field strength meter. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Feb 1983 (v.39#2) pg. 56
An easy-to-build, thermochromic RF power indicator. How to convert a "Duracell" throw-away 9-volt battery tester strip into an RF power indicator for handi-talkies. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jul 1996 (v.52#7) pg. 26
All-band field strength meter. Build this most-reliable indicator of RF energy for CB and amateur transmitters and antennas. Est. cost: $40 (kit). ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK 1989 pg. 82
Amplified field strength meter for 6- or 2-meter. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jul 1964 (v.7#4) pg. 80
Super strength field strength meter. An amplified FSM that tunes all bands from 2 to 160 meters. Est. cost: $10. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jan 1967 (v.10#1) pg. 60
Pocket-size field-strength meter for citizens band has no external antenna. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jan 1969 (v.12#1) pg. 31
Horizontal defect detector for TV servicing. A field-strength meter tuned to 15,750 cps. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1970 (v.13#5) pg. 84
All-band field-strength meter (FSM). Est. cost: $40. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Aug 1987 (v.4#8) pg. 64
Build a tunable (3-30 MHz) field-strength meter that lets you distinguish between spuri and the real thing. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jun 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 66
Build a tuneable field-strength meter. Lets you quickly check how much relative r-f signal is being radiated between 3 and 30 MHz. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1986 (v.3#3) pg. 54
Circuit for a simple radio-frequency field-strength meter provides a relative (uncalibrated) indication of field strength. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1987 (v.4#4) pg. 72
Proper use of a field-strength meter. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Feb 1990 (v.8#6) pg. 38
Special probe turns VOM into CB or ham field strength meter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1964 (v.21#5) pg. 82
Circuit for low-cost battery-operated relative field strength meter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1965 (v.23#1) pg. 69
Dual-sensitivity field strength and absorption meter. Four interchangable coils used to cover the 160 to 6 meter amateur bands. Includes provision for a battery in the circuit to increase sensitivity. Est. cost: $8. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1966 (v.24#1) pg. 67
RF Sniffer. A simple RF field strength meter. Est. cost: $6. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1967 (v.26#6) pg. 55
Circuit for a "minimum-parts" field strength meter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1973 (v.3#6) pg. 94
Circuit for a simple voltage-doubling field strength meter that requires no battery. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1982 (v.20#5) pg. 88
Finding the sources of interference with amateur radio. Includes circuits for field-strength meters which help pin-point sources operating up to 40 MHz or so. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1989 (v.6#9) pg. 94
Field-strength meter is basically a bridge circuit equipped with an ammeter as a readout. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1989 (v.6#10) pg. 25
Field-strength meter circuit provides a cheap way to monitor an amateur radio or CB transmitter for maximum output. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1993 (v.10#11) pg. 72
Field-strength meter is useful in tuning a ham antenna or transmitter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1995 (v.12#11) pg. 80
Tuning monitor for very-low-powered (QRP) ham radio stations is based on a field-strength meter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1995 (v.12#11) pg. 80
Simple field-strength meter circuit. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1998 (v.15#4) pg. 54
Pocket CB meter. Wire a field strength meter for a CB walkie-talkie. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1967 (v.127#3) pg. 182
Make a simple field strength meter. How to use it to tune a mobile antenna, either CB or ham. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1978 (v.49#1) pg. 66