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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   BOAT

Advice on controlling barnacle growth and electrolysis on an outboard motor.
BOAT JOURNAL #77 Feb-Mar 1991 pg. 7

How to protect your outboard motor from corrosion.
BOATING WORLD #104 Nov-Dec 1994 pg. 80

Tips on determining if defective shore power wiring is causing heavy loss of sacrificial zinc through galvanic action.
BOATING WORLD #149 May 1999 pg. 86

Learn to prevent costly corrosion to a boat or marine engine.
BOATING WORLD #162 Sep 2000 pg. 79

Troubleshooting for boaters. Advice on testing marine electrical systems, outboard motor magneto ignitions, and the integrity of your boat's corrosion protection system.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jun 1996 (v.67#6) pg. 41

Tip on painting an outboard engine without interfering with the zinc anode designed to help control corrosion.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #308 May 1990 (v.40#5) pg. 100

Corrosion causes and cures. Looks at the four types of corrosion which affect boats.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #71 Feb-Mar 1990 pg. 56
Added Info BOAT JOURNAL #76 Dec 1990-Jan 1991 pg. 6

Corrosion-related problems. How to prevent damage to wooden boats which can inadvertently be caused by cathodic protection systems.
WOODENBOAT #93 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 94
Added Info WOODENBOAT #95 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 4, 7

Repairing a bilge that is suffering from extensive corrosion of the original wrought-iron fasteners.
WOODENBOAT #105 Mar-Apr 1992 pg. 42