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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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This report is extracted from the 1000 Section (Confirmed Newspaper Indexes) of the 1979-1980 Edition of LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES: An illustrated guide to published and unpublished newspaper indexes in the United States and Canada.   Either a compiler, publisher or repository had confirmed the existance of this index and supplied information for the report. See the INTRODUCTION for the methodology used in compiling the LATHROP REPORT.

REPORT NO:  1022A Previous Report (1021A)  |  Next Report (1022B)
INDEX NAME:  Northern Titles KWIC Index (ISSN 0704-6839)
  • ATLIN NEWS MINER Atlin BC 1974(Apr)-Current
  • THE DRUM Inuvik NWT 1973-Current
  • FORT SIMPSON JOURNAL Ft. Simpson NWT 1977(May)-Current
  • THE HUB Hay River NWT 1973(Jun)-Current
  • INDIAN VOICE Vancouver BC 1972-Current
  • INUKSHUK Frobisher Bay NWT 1973(Jun)-1976(Jun)
  • KAINAI NEWS Standoft ALB 1973-Current
  • NATIVE PEOPLE Edmonton ALB 1973-Current
  • NATIVE PRESS Yellowknife NWT 1973-Current
  • NEWS OF THE NORTH Yellowknife NWT 1973-Current
  • NORTHERN NEWS REPORT Yellowknife NWT 1976(Jul)-Current
  • NUNATSIAG NEWS Frobisher Bay NWT 1976(Jul)-Current
  • SLAVE RIVER JOURNAL Ft. Smith NWT 1977(Jun)-Current
  • TAPWE Hay River NWT 1973-Current
  • TUNDRA TIMES Anchorage AK 1973-Current
  • WHITEHORSE STAR Whitehorse YT 1973-Current
  • YELLOWKNIFER Yellowknife NWT 1973-Current
  • YUKON INDIAN NEWS Whitehorse YT 1974(Jun)-Current
  • YUKON NEWS Whitehorse YT 1973(Jun)-Current
CW 401 Biological Sciences Bldg
The University of Alberta
Edmonton, ALB T6G 2E9
Telephone: (403) 432-4409
AVAILABILITY:  Published index. The current year is published in twelve monthly editions plus an annual cumulation for $35. Prior years, back to 1973, are still available as annual cumulations for $30 per year. The charge is to cover mailing costs. Since 1972, the service has been available for on-line searching through QL Systems Limited (Kingston, Ontario, Canada). Boreal Institute will also make the index available on an exchange basis.
SCOPE OF INDEX:  English language materials, including foreign language materials with an English language title equivalent and a reasonable summary are indexed in the humanities, social sciences, and science and technology. Within these broad subject fields all articles related to the subject interest of Boreal Institute are indexed. These interests include the north, the artic, and cold regions and some antarctic aspects. Included in the index are periodicals, newspapers, government publications and report literature received in the BINS library. For both newspapers and periodicals, selective coverage includes all substantial articles, some letters to the editor, and corrections to previously published items if noticed. Items considered to be of interest to the users of the index (mainly residents outside of the Northwest Territory of the Yukon). Omitted from the index are local social news, routine sports events,accidentd and world news. NOTE: From time-to-time several small NWT community news sheets which publish irregularly, as well as native published items, are also indexed.
FORMAT OF INDEX:  Entries in Northern Titles KWIC Index consist of the name of the author, the title or headline, additional descriptive words (if needed) and the citation. The citation includes a code for the publication, plus the year, month, day and page. A separate code book is provided to decipher the name of the publication indexed. The abbreviation KWIC in the title of this index stands for KEYWORD IN CONTEXT. This means that each of the entries in the index is filed in alphabetical order under all of the significant keywords which appear in the entry. Each month the 1000 entries are permuted by computer and printed out on 15"x11" continuous form paper. The printout format places the alphabetically arranged keywords near the center of the sheet with the balance of the entry shown before and after the keyword. The citation always appears in a column at the right of the page. Using this computer process avoids the need for a human indexer to assign subject headings. The 1000 entries per month are "exploded" to approximately 4000 different keyword entries. Minor words (of,a,and,the,in,to,...) are ignored by the computer and not treated as keywords. Each month the user is sent a 50 to 60 page monthly KWIC index by first class mail. Annually the user is provided with a cumulated KWIC index replacing the 12 monthly issues.
SIZE OF INDEX:  About 1000 entries per month are added to the index, but not all of these come from newspapers.
1. G.A. Cooke and P. Schick. "KWIC but effective--indexing the unindexed speedily," Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Western Canada Chapter, American Society for Informational Science (J.J. Roberts, editor), 1974, p 17-24.
2. National Library of Canada, Directory of Abstracting & Indexing Services (and Service Product Samples), 1976, p 40-41 & 16. Produced in preparation for the Canadian Abstracting and Indexing Services workshop held at the National Library of Canada, March 7-8, 1977.
    (Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration)