Last Updated 03/31/2019
INDEX NAME: Boreal Institute Vertical Files on Northern Affairs (BIVF). KWIC Index. |
- EDMONTON JOURNAL Edmonton ALB 1975-Current
- GLOBE & MAIL Toronto ONT 1975-Current
- FAIRBANKS DAILY NEWS MINER Fairbanks AK 1976-Current
- FINANCIAL POST Toronto ONT 1975-Current
- NORTHERN MINER Toronto ONT 1975-Current
- ST.JOHN'S EDMONTON REPORT Edmonton ALB 1975-Current
COMPILER: G.A. Cooke |
BOREAL INSTITUTE FOR NORTHERN STUDIES CW 401 Biological Sciences Bldg The University of Alberta Edmonton ALB T6G 2E9 Canada Telephone: (403) 432-4409
AVAILABILITY: Published index. The current year is issued in two semi-annual issues plus an annual cumulation. The price is $60 per year. Previous years back through 1975 are available as annual cumulations only. Price is $50 per year. The published index is available from: Micro Media Limited; Box 502, Station S; Toronto, Ontario M5M 4L8; Canada. Microfiche copies of all of the articles included in the index are also available from the publisher. The complete service, index plus microfiche, costs $250 per year. |
SCOPE OF INDEX: BIVF is a package service comprising a newspaper clipping service on microfiche supported by a KWIC (keyword-in-context) index. The service is based on the file of newspaper clippings maintained by the library of Boreal Institute of Northern Affairs. English language newspaper clippings are indexed in the social sciences and science and technology. Specific subject fields emphasised include northern affairs, Canada's native people, mid-Canada development, oil and gas development in Canada's north and the pipelines from Alaska and Canadian north. Within these subject fields, BVIF provides selective coverage to major news items (including substantive articles, letters to the editor and corrections to previously published items) to six newspapers on a regular basis and other newspapers irregularly. |
FORMAT OF INDEX: Each entry in the KWIC index consists of the headline, author (if appropriate) plus additional descriptive words to supplement the headline. Each entry is permuted by the computer to appear several times in the index under all the keywords which appear in the entry. Minor words (of a,and,the,in,to,...) are ignored by the computer and are not treated as keywords. The printout format places the alphabetically arranged keywords near the center of the page with the balance of the entry shown before and after the keyword. Each entry is preceded by a subject classification number. This number indicates to which of the twelve major subject areas this article has been assigned. All of the articles for one subject area are placed on the microfiche togther, in chronological order. Following each entry is the citation which consists of the periodical or newspaper code, date and page number. The subject classification number plus the newspaper date enable the user to locate the correct article on the microfiche service. The citation is also adequate to locate the article in the original newspaper. The index is published in loose leaf format and consists of photoreducing copies of computer printout. |
SIZE OF INDEX: Approximately 300 to 500 articles per month are indexed. The KWIC index "explodes" this to produce an index of 1000-1500 entries per month. |
1. G.A. Cooke and P. Schink. "KWIC but effective--indexing the unindexed speedily," Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Western Canada Chapter, American Society for Information Science (J.J. Roberts, editor), 1974, p 17-24.
2. National Library of Canada, Directory of Abstracting & Indexing Services (and Service Product Samples), 1976, p 21-22 & 16. Produced in preparation for the Canadian Abstracting and Indexing Services workshop held at the National Library of Canada, March 7-8, 1977.
(Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration) |
LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES. 1979-1980 Edition. Copyright © 1979 by Norman Lathrop Enterprises. ISBN 0-910868-10-7. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior expressed permission of Norman Lathrop Enterprises, except as permitted by law.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the report at the time of publication.
However, it is imperative that the user contact the organization cited in a report for the current status of the index, especially if planning to visit the institution and do research using the index.