Last Updated 03/31/2019
INDEX NAME: Daily News Tribune Index |
- FULLERTON DAILY NEWS TRIBUNE Fullerton CA 1893-1927;1927-1961(in process);1962-Current
COMPILER: Harriet Dorsey & Evelyn Cadman |
FULLERTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 353 W. Commonwealth Ave Fullerton CA 92632 Telephone: (714) 871-9440
AVAILABILITY: Only one copy of this card file index exists. It must be used in the Fullerton Public Library. |
SCOPE OF INDEX: 1893-1926: Selective local news. 1927-1961: Selective local news; comprehensive on Fullerton Public Library. 1962-Current: Selective Fullerton news. Omitted from the index is most advertising, routine social news and routine sports news. |
FORMAT OF INDEX: A 3x5 card file index arranged in alphabetical order by subject or personal name. A separate section of the index is devoted to BIOGRAPHY. The early cards (1893-1927) are handwritten. Later cards have been typed. For convenience of the user, a duplicate set of cards have been made by photocopying 4 cards per 8½x11 page and placing the sheets in a ring binder. Entries consist of the citation (mo-dy-yr & page#) followed by the headline or brief description of the article. There are several entries on each subject card. On the early handwritten cards, all of the entries on one card are from the same year, which is noted in the upper right corner of the card. |
1. T. Gwinup et al. "Survey of local newspapers in California". California Librarian, v.36, p.4-45, January 1975.
2. Norma Olin Ireland. LOCAL INDEXES IN AMERICAN LIBRARIES. Faxon, Boston MA, 1947.
(Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration) |
LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES. 1979-1980 Edition. Copyright © 1979 by Norman Lathrop Enterprises. ISBN 0-910868-10-7. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior expressed permission of Norman Lathrop Enterprises, except as permitted by law.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the report at the time of publication.
However, it is imperative that the user contact the organization cited in a report for the current status of the index, especially if planning to visit the institution and do research using the index.