Last Updated 03/31/2019
INDEX NAME: Index for The Virginia Herald |
- VIRGINIA HERALD Fredricksburg VA 1788-1809
ROBERT A. HODGE 417 Pelham St Fredricksburg VA 22401
AVAILABILITY: A published index available in the following editions: 1788-1791 (26 pgs, $2); 1792-1795 (47 pgs, $5); 1799-1800 (11 pgs, $2); 1802-1805 (30 pgs, $5); and 1806-1809 (31 pgs, $5). Copies of the index and the corresponding microfilm of the nespapers are available for use at the Mary Washington College Library (Fredricksburg, VA). |
SCOPE OF INDEX: An alphabetical index to all personal names and selected subjects for the locality of the newspaper. |
FORMAT OF INDEX: A book-form index on 8½x11 inch pages. The five volumes total 145 pages. The entries consist mostly of personal names (last name first), followed by a brief phrase or word describing the content of the article, followed by the citation. The citation consists of the issue number, page number and column number where the article may be found. |
SIZE OF INDEX: An estimated 10,000 entries in total. |
Anita Cheek Milner. NEWSPAPER INDEXES: A LOCATION & SUBJECT GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS. Scarecrow Press, Metuchen NJ, 1977.
(Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration) |
LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES. 1979-1980 Edition. Copyright © 1979 by Norman Lathrop Enterprises. ISBN 0-910868-10-7. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior expressed permission of Norman Lathrop Enterprises, except as permitted by law.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the report at the time of publication.
However, it is imperative that the user contact the organization cited in a report for the current status of the index, especially if planning to visit the institution and do research using the index.