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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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This report is extracted from the 1000 Section (Confirmed Newspaper Indexes) of the 1979-1980 Edition of LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES: An illustrated guide to published and unpublished newspaper indexes in the United States and Canada.   Either a compiler, publisher or repository had confirmed the existance of this index and supplied information for the report. See the INTRODUCTION for the methodology used in compiling the LATHROP REPORT.

REPORT NO:  1100A Previous Report (1099A)  |  Next Report (1101A)
INDEX NAME:  Canadian Newspaper Index
  • GLOBE AND MAIL Toronto ONT 1977-Current
  • MONTREAL STAR Montreal QUE 1977-Current
  • TORONTO STAR Toronto ONT 1977-Current
  • VANCOUVER SUN Vancouver BC 1977-Current
  • WINNIPEG FREE PRESS Winnipeg MAN 1977-Current
Box 502
Station S
Toronto ONT M5M 4L8
Telephone: (416) 489-8016
AVAILABILITY:  A published index available on a subscription basis. The price for 12 monthly issues plus the annual cumulation is $325 for Canadians and $175 for foreigners. The annual cumulation only costs $150 for Canadians and $100 for foreigners. The subject heading list used in the index is available on microfilm for $30. The Canadian Newspaper Index is available for public use in the National Library of Canada (395 Wellington St; Ottawa Ontario K1A 0N4) and in the University of Minnesota Libraries (Minneapolis MN).
SCOPE OF INDEX:  The Canadian Newspaper Index covers comprehensively national news, provincial affairs, local news, world news, feature articles, obituaries, Canadian topics, general information, business news, labor news, crimes, fires, accidents, biographical news and reviews of art, books, dance, music, theatre, recordings, and films. There is more selective indexing of editorials, letters to the editor and sports. Omitted from the index are advertising, routine social events and travel stories.
FORMAT OF INDEX:  The index is published in 8½x11 inch book format. A monthly index is about 80 pages and an annual cumulation about 550 pages. The index is divided into two sections, the SUBJECT INDEX and the BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Both sections are arranged in alphabetical order. The SUBJECT INDEX includes all of the general subjects, all of the government subjects and all corporate names. The BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX is limited to personal names. Each entry consists of a concise abstract of the article followed by the citation. The citation gives the code for the newspaper, plus the month, day, year and page where the article can be found. Special codes are used to indicate photographs, graphics, columns, features, editorials, letters to the editor, and especially newsworthy articles.
SIZE OF INDEX:  About 6000 entries per month are added to the index.
    (Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration)