Last Updated 03/31/2019
- THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS Indianapolis IN 1912-Current
- THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR Indianapolis IN 1927-Current
INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS, INC. 307 N. Pennsylvania Indianapolis IN 46206 Telephone: (317) 633-1240
AVAILABILITY: Only one copy of this index exists. It must be used in the Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc. Library. |
SCOPE OF INDEX: All current events news as reported in the INI newspapers. |
FORMAT OF INDEX: This is a combination index and clipping file. A newspaper article is clipped. It is placed into a 4x6 envelope and the single most important subject heading is typed onto the envelope. Also typed on the envelope is a lengthy abstract of the article, along with the date, page, column, section, type of material, byline and edition. If the article covers more than one subject, then a 4x6 "cross reference" card is typed for each additional subject. This card consists of the subject heading, a shortened version of the abstract on the envelope and the same citation information. In addition, a SEE note tells the user under which subject heading the 4x6 envelope with the enclosed clipping will be found. Thus, after performing a search, the user has the option of getting the clipping from the envelope or writing down the citations for use with the original newspaper. The index is arranged in alphabetical order by subject, with both 4x6 cards and envelopes interfiled. Only 1970-Current envelopes and cards are in paper form. The 1912-1969 cards and envelopes have been reproduced on 538 rolls of 16mm microfilm. |
SIZE OF INDEX: About 4000 entries per month are added to the index. |
Grace D. Parch. DIRECTORY OF NEWSPAPER LIBRARIES IN THE U.S. AND CANADA. Newspaper Division, Special Libraries Association, 1976.
(Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration) |
LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES. 1979-1980 Edition. Copyright © 1979 by Norman Lathrop Enterprises. ISBN 0-910868-10-7. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior expressed permission of Norman Lathrop Enterprises, except as permitted by law.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the report at the time of publication.
However, it is imperative that the user contact the organization cited in a report for the current status of the index, especially if planning to visit the institution and do research using the index.