Last Updated 03/31/2019
INDEX NAME: The Sun and Sunday Sun Index |
- THE SUNDAY SUN Baltimore MD 1906-1959
- THE SUN Baltimore MD 1891-1959
COMPILER: The original index was compiled by the Baltimore Sunpapers Library (The A.S. Abell Company, Publisher). It has been given to the Pratt on a long term permanent loan. |
ENOCH PRATT FREE LIBRARY Maryland Department 400 Cathedral St Baltimore MD 21201 Telephone: (301) 396-5468
AVAILABILITY: The original index cards are located in the Enoch Pratt Free Library. The public will not be given direct access to the cards, however, limited searches will be performed by library staff. The majority of the index has been microfilmed from its beginning up to 1951. Copies of the film are available for public use in the Enoch Pratt Free Library and in the Baltimore Sunpapers Library. Copies of the microfilmed index may be purchased from the Bell & Howell Company (Micro Photo Division, Old Mansfield Rd, Wooster OH 44691). Write for prices. |
SCOPE OF INDEX: The index attempted to pick up all items that were considered editorial content. The entries may be filed under either a subject or personal name heading. Typical categories under which large numbers of items are collected are: Accidents, Fires, Negroes, Parks, Politics, Railroads, Congress, Murders, Suicides, Poems, and Ships. Geographic headings are often used for subject headings and these are elaborately subdivided . For example, the heading BALTIMORE is subdivided into Accidents, Charities, Churches, Parks, Port, Public Schools, Weddings, names of organizations, ... etc. The headings SPORTS is subdivided into such headings as Athletics, Baseball, Hockey, Horse-racing, ... etc. The subdivisions EDITORIALS, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, NECROLOGY and STORIES (feature stories & fiction) are used often in arranging the index cards. |
FORMAT OF INDEX: The index for the Sun (Morning Sun) is on cards measuring 2-3/16" x 5" for the years 1891-1918 and 1925-1954. This occupies 32 cabinets with 14 drawers per cabinet and two rows of cards in each drawer. For the period 1919-1924, the Sun (Morning Sun) index is on 12x18 inch typed sheets, bound in 17 canvas-covered volumes. In format and in indexing style, the typed volumes are in conformity with the cards. The index of the Sun (Morning Sun) for the years 1955-1959, is on 3x5 cards which occupy 6 cabinets with 12 drawers per cabinet and two rows of cards in each drawer. The cards for the Sun index are handwritten from 1891 to April 1909. Thereafter they are typed. Beginning in 1925, the index is typed on cards on which the year and name of the paper are preprinted. Clippings are pasted on many early cards. The cards are arranged in alphabetical order with both subjects and personal names interfiled in the same alphabet. Each card contains more than one entry. The entries tend to be concise, yet complete, statements of the content, followed by the name of the columnist (if needed) and the citation. The citation includes the month, day, page and column. Cards prior to 1925 also indicate the paper and year. Accompanying charts, maps, or illustrations are noted. The microfilm edition from the Bell & Howell Company is published on 16mm roll film. |
1. Robert W. Desmond. Newspaper Reference Methods, The University of Minnesota Press, 1933.
2. Special Libraries Association, Newspaper Division; Guidelines for Newspaper Libraries (Chaper XVII--Indexing--p4), ANPA Foundation (Reston VA), 1976.
3. Clement G. Vitek. "Advantages of a Newspaper Index", Paper delivered to Newspaper Division of Special Libraries Association, Annual Conference, Washington DC, May 1962.
4. Clement G. Vitek. "A Philosphy of Newspaper Indexing", Talk delivered by tape recording to a library workshop organized by Ann Jennings, UCLA Riverside Campus, Mar 4&5 1972.
5. Grace D. Parch. DIRECTORY OF NEWSPAPER LIBRARIES IN THE U.S. AND CANADA. Newspaper Division, Special Libraries Association, 1976.
6. Harry A. Friedman. NEWSPAPER INDEXING. Marquette University Press, Milwaukee WI, 1942.
(Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration) |
LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES. 1979-1980 Edition. Copyright © 1979 by Norman Lathrop Enterprises. ISBN 0-910868-10-7. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior expressed permission of Norman Lathrop Enterprises, except as permitted by law.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the report at the time of publication.
However, it is imperative that the user contact the organization cited in a report for the current status of the index, especially if planning to visit the institution and do research using the index.