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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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This report is extracted from the 1000 Section (Confirmed Newspaper Indexes) of the 1979-1980 Edition of LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES: An illustrated guide to published and unpublished newspaper indexes in the United States and Canada.   Either a compiler, publisher or repository had confirmed the existance of this index and supplied information for the report. See the INTRODUCTION for the methodology used in compiling the LATHROP REPORT.

REPORT NO:  1178B Previous Report (1178A)  |  Next Report (1179A)
INDEX NAME:  Index to Early Maine Newspapers, 1784-1845
  • CHRISTIAN MIRROR Portland ME 1822(Aug 24)-1837(Mar 16)
  • CUMBERLAND GAZETTE Portland ME 1786(Apr 7)-1791(Dec 26)
  • DAILY COURIER Portland ME 1830(Dec 9)-1832(Jan 17)
  • DOWNING GAZETTE Portland ME 1834(Jul 4)-1836(Mar 26)
  • EASTERN ARGUS Portland ME 1835-1845
  • EASTERN HERALD Portland ME 1792(Jan 2)-1804
  • FALMOUTH GAZETTE Portland ME 1785-1786(Mar 30)
  • FAMILY READER Portland ME 1829(Oct 27)-1831(Oct 4)
  • INDEPENDENT STATESMAN & MAINE REPUBLICAN Portland ME 1821(Jul 14)-1825(May 6)
  • JEFFERSONIAN Portland ME 1834(Mar 31)-1837(Mar 20)
  • MAINE FARMER Augusta ME 1839(Feb 9)-1840(Jan 4)
  • PORTLAND ADVERTISER Portland ME 1839-1845
  • PORTLAND GAZETTE Portland ME 1798(Apr 16)-1824(Sep 21)
  • YANKEE FARMER & NEW ENGLAND CULTIVATOR Cornish ME 1835(Jan 5)-1840(Dec 26)
COMPILER:  William B. Jordan
619 Congress St
Portland ME 04101
Telephone: (207) 773-4761
AVAILABILITY:  Only one copy of this card file index exists. It must be used in the Portland Public Library.
SCOPE OF INDEX:  This index covers primarily Maine state and local history and biography, literature, and some political and economic news. Only the YANKEE FARMER and NEW ENGLAND CULTIVATOR have been completely indexed for the period shown. All of the other newspapers have one or more issues missing from the index period indicated.
FORMAT OF INDEX:  A 3x5 card file index with both subjects and personal names interfiled in one alphabetic arrangement. The entries have been handwritten and vary in appearance. There is only one entry per card. Each entry consists of a brief description of the article, followed by the citation. The citation gives the name of the paper, the day, month, year, page and column.
SIZE OF INDEX:  About 15,000 entries in the total index.
    (Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration)