Bull roarer, a primitive wind instrument used by Australian aborigines. Instructions for making one and for whirling it to make the roaring sound. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #25 Mar-Apr 1992 pg. 35
A one-gallon tin can and piece of leather will make a sound like a lion's roar. BOYS' LIFE Apr 1968 (v.58#4) pg. 67
Happy New Year noisemaker. Two turned gavels mounted on pivoting arms clack against a center gavel. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1997 (v.21#3) pg. 8
Circuit for a "weirdly wailing" oscillator. The output sounds like a pumping whistle, the sound associated with toy ray guns, TV and the movies. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1978 (v.18#5) pg. 69
Electronic sound effects generator will produce a siren, locomotive, ticking clock, ray gun, organ, tweeting bird, etc. The unit relies on a newly developed IC sound generator chip. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jul-Aug 1979 (v.19#4) pg. 42
Compusound programmable sound generator. Under computer control, this circuit will emulate the sounds of a steam locomotive, whistling bomb, warning siren, etc. It also is capable of producing musical notes. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jun 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 41
Electronic sound generator uses the Texas Instrument SN76477 IC. Produces bird chirps, siren, and other complex sounds. Powered by a 9-volt battery. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Oct 1980 (v.69#7) pg. 42
"Phasor gun" produces a pulsating tone similar to the sounds associated with the movies Star Wars and the Black Hole. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Dec 1982 (v.71#9) pg. 24
Folk toys that are easy to build. A bullroarer, whammydiddle, farfeldinger, spooky screamer, lariat and Indian rope trick. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #439 Dec 1964 (v.60) pg. 96
Electronic circuit makes sounds like the R2-D2 robot featured in the movie Star Wars. Circuit uses a 556 timer IC and two 47191 Counter ICs. MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] May 1978 (v.1#3) pg. 44
The ocean box. A low-cost electronic wave-sound generator. This "white noise" generator can be set to resemble a full range of natural sounds. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1986 (v.3#2) pg. 64
Added Info MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1987 (v.4#3) pg. 5
Buzz bomber toy is similar to the traditional "bull roarer". When swung around on a string it makes a screaming noise. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #78 Nov-Dec 1982 pg. 80
The "Sleep-O-Mat" produces a sound akin to the sound of waves at the seashore, a waterfall, or rain on the roof. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1965 (v.22#1) pg. 51
Surf synthesizer. Electronic device reproduces the sound of breakers against the shore. Est. cost: $11. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1972 (v.1#2) pg. 45
Model railroad sound synthesizer. Add controllable "chuff-chuff", steam, whistle, and bell sounds. Four separate circuits can be combined and mixed for desired effects. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1977 (v.12#6) pg. 80
Build the surfer, a psycho-acoustic device that simulates the sound of surf, gentle rain or white noise. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1979 (v.15#6) pg. 64
The Audio-Artist sound-effects machine. Electronic device has five controls to simulate a siren, splashing water, flying saucers, whirring machines, etc. Est. cost: $25. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1979 (v.16#6) pg. 60
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1980 (v.17#3) pg. 6
Experimenting with a sound-effects generator built around a Texas Instrument SN76477 IC. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1980 (v.17#5) pg. 77
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1980 (v.18#1) pg. 6
Electronic circuits simulate the sound of a steam locomotive and a steam-engine whistle. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1981 (v.19#6) pg. 96
Circuit for a sound-effects generator is built around a pair of 555 or 7555 timers operated in their astable (free running) mode. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1982 (v.20#1) pg. 90
Bomb-burst synthesizer. Electronic circuit realistically synthesizes the whistle and explosion of an aerial bomb or shell. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1982 (v.20#2) pg. 109
Loudmouth sound-effects machine. Electronic device will whistle, chug, tweet, screech and pop. POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1982 (v.157#1) pg. 68
Rainmakers or rainsticks. A piece of bamboo (12" to 36" length and 2"-3" diameter) is fitted with an internal latticework of wooden skewers. A granular material inside the capped bamboo will produce a pleasing sound as it falls through the skewers. POPULAR WOODWORKING #109 Jul 1999 (v.19#3) pg. 54
Circuit using a Texas Instrument 76477 IC produces a "laser gun" sound. Many other sounds can be gotten from this same IC. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1982 (v.53#2) pg. 80
Three new sound generator IC's from Texas Instruments, plus typical circuits. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1982 (v.53#4) pg. 108
Budget sound-effects generator uses the Texas Instrument TL507C to produce sounds like a race car, dog's bark, airplane, lion, etc. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1983 (v.54#1) pg. 92
Build this sound generator design console. Discover the wonders of a sound-generator IC. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1984 (v.55#1) pg. 69
Electronic sound-effects generator duplicates a European police-care siren, bird noises, spaceship sounds, etc. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1987 (v.58#6) pg. 40
Build a Synergy Card for your PC. The Synergy Card works by generating computer-controlled sound waves that put your brain into a state that is more conductive to both learning and creating. Can also be used to create various sound effects. Est. cost: $100. Part 1. Basic terms, background and philosophy. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1988 (v.59#9) pg. 94
Build a Synergy Card for your PC. Part 2. Circuit overview. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1988 (v.59#10) pg. 90
Build a Synergy Card for your PC. Part 3. How to build, test and operate the card. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1988 (v.59#11) pg. 90, 98
Magnetic audio generator will do things that an electric generator can't do as easily, such as simulate animal noises or sirens. The noise is generated by modulating a magnetic field by means of the teeth of a rotating iron gear, a principal used in early electric organs. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Oct-Nov 1968 (v.25#2) pg. 71
Tips on the use of copyrighted music. SUPER-8 FILMAKER Jan-Feb 1980 (v.8#1) pg. 14
Tip: Use dry ice to create interesting sounds as well as visual effects. SUPER-8 FILMAKER Jul-Aug 1980 (v.8#5) pg. 16
To simulate snapping bones, record the sounds of chewing tortilla chips. SUPER-8 FILMAKER Jan-Feb 1981 (v.9#1) pg. 12
Use a well-sealed microphone and a plastic soda bottle to create underwater. SUPER-8 FILMAKER May 1981 (v.9#3) pg. 14
How to create or find sound effects, record them and edit them into a videotape. VIDEOMAKER Apr 1996 (v.10#10) pg. 95
Crow chaser. A racheting noisemaker made from scraps of walnut and hard maple. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1997 (v.21#6) pg. 34