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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Five kinetic exercises that use an 8" to 10" diameter ball as the only equipment necessary.
APARTMENT LIFE Feb 1979 (v.11#2) pg. 40

Some common sport-induced injuries. How to avoid and/or treat them.
APARTMENT LIFE Mar 1979 (v.11#3) pg. 36

Fifteen misunderstood facts about exercise.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Nov 1972 (v.50#11) pg. 48

Exercises that can help save your life. The theory of aerobics. A look at the most popular forms of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, bicycling, and swimming) and guidelines to launching a program of your own.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jan 1975 (v.53#1) pg. 4

Guidelines on how to start your personal exercise plan.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Apr 1977 (v.55#4) pg. 46

The Better Homes & Gardens Family Fitness Program. A program for the family designed to improve cardiorespiratory efficiency, muscle tone and body flexibility. Includes preconditioning tips, equipment suggestions, exercises and a fitness chart.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jan 1978 (v.56#1) pg. 43

What parents and schools can do to keep kids fit.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS May 1981 (v.59#5) pg. 20

How to start a family fitness program.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS May 1984 (v.62#5) pg. 23

A six-point fitness plan for weekend athletes. Includes eight flexibility stretches that should be done as warm-ups.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS May 1986 (v.64#5) pg. 100

Exercising in the water. Ten exercises explained, along with tips on water-based workout programs.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Aug 1987 (v.65#8) pg. 59

Get fit your way. A 12-week fitness plan combines walking with jogging (or any other form of continuous pulse-raising activity).
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jan 1994 (v.72#1) pg. 32

Walk your way to a better body. A guide to fitness walking as a way to lose weight and improve health.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS May 1996 (v.74#5) pg. 92

Simple obstacle course to toughen you up.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1963 (v.53#6) pg. 56

Toughen up for swimming and diving.
BOYS' LIFE Jul 1963 (v.53#7) pg. 55

Toughen up with relay races.
BOYS' LIFE Aug 1963 (v.53#8) pg. 48

Exercises to toughen you up.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1963 (v.53#10) pg. 57

Build up for basketball.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1963 (v.53#11) pg. 66

Exercises using a doorway.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 1964 (v.54#2) pg. 57

Five exercises to prepare for sports and hiking.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1964 (v.54#3) pg. 71

Four exercises to toughen muscles.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1964 (v.54#6) pg. 50

Wrestling games to strengthen muscles.
BOYS' LIFE Jul 1964 (v.54#7) pg. 54

Exercises to toughen up for football.
BOYS' LIFE Aug 1964 (v.54#8) pg. 41

Stretching exercises.
BOYS' LIFE Sep 1964 (v.54#9) pg. 68

Three exercises.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1964 (v.54#10) pg. 47

Exercises to prepare for basketball.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1964 (v.54#11) pg. 64

Variations of the push-up.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1965 (v.55#3) pg. 48

Build cross-country muscles.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1965 (v.55#4) pg. 10

Nine backyard games to keep in shape.
BOYS' LIFE May 1965 (v.55#5) pg. 40

Four exercises to loosen up your muscles.
BOYS' LIFE May 1965 (v.55#5) pg. 64

Two-man exercises to toughen up muscles.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1965 (v.55#6) pg. 47

Two-man exercises to toughen muscles.
BOYS' LIFE Jul 1965 (v.55#7) pg. 62

Group games which help toughen muscles.
BOYS' LIFE Sep 1965 (v.55#9) pg. 40

Exercise for football or soccer.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1965 (v.55#10) pg. 82

Fifteen muscle building exercises done on a regular 15 minute-a-day schedule.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1965 (v.55#11) pg. 66

Four indoor exercises.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1965 (v.55#12) pg. 55

Four exercises performed using stairway.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 1966 (v.56#1) pg. 55

Four exercises using an old bicycle inner tube.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 1966 (v.56#2) pg. 60

Five exercises performed using a stick.
BOYS' LIFE May 1966 (v.56#5) pg. 50

Fifteen minute-per-day fitness program.
BOYS' LIFE Jul 1966 (v.56#7) pg. 42

Simple exercises to toughen up for football and hiking.
BOYS' LIFE Aug 1966 (v.56#8) pg. 58

Simple tests to determine fitness for being an astronaut.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1966 (v.56#10) pg. 39

Don't make a move. Pictures illustrate several isometric exercises.
BOYS' LIFE Aug 1967 (v.57#8) pg. 49

Scoutcraft personal fitness. Five exercises for fitness, plus a chart to determine your recovery ability.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1967 (v.57#12) pg. 78

Special body-building exercises you can do using a newspaper as equipment.
BOYS' LIFE May 1971 (v.61#5) pg. 40

Four exercises that are basic for getting your legs in top condition.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1971 (v.61#10) pg. 18

Six exercises to develop muscle tone and seven agility tests.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1971 (v.61#12) pg. 56

Simple exercises you can do with a stick for equipment.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1971 (v.61#12) pg. 76

How to set up an obstacle course.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 1972 (v.62#1) pg. 53

Nine exercises you can do to strengthen your whole body.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 1972 (v.62#1) pg. 66

Three exercises to strengthen your legs.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1972 (v.62#12) pg. 65

How to get in shape for high-altitude hiking.
BOYS' LIFE May 1974 (v.64#5) pg. 14

How to exercise to get in shape for the Cub Scout pentathlon.
BOYS' LIFE May 1974 (v.64#5) pg. 44

Seven exercise to tone and toughen your muscles.
BOYS' LIFE Aug 1974 (v.64#8) pg. 48

Six exercises for building arm and back muscles using a stool or small chair.
BOYS' LIFE Aug 1974 (v.64#8) pg. 50

Two-man wrestling contests that are also muscle builders.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 1975 (v.65#1) pg. 61

How to get in shape for bike touring.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1975 (v.65#3) pg. 18

Five Boy Scout fitness games.
BOYS' LIFE May 1975 (v.65#5) pg. 36

Exercises that will build up your abdomen and leg muscles for football.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1975 (v.65#11) pg. 44

Four fitness games for Boy Scouts.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1975 (v.65#11) pg. 49

Fun olympics (a mini-decathlon). Ten events that have been scaled to 1/100th of Olympic distances.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1976 (v.66#12) pg. 67

Five physical fitness excercises for Cub Scouts.
BOYS' LIFE May 1977 (v.67#5) pg. 44

How to use a length of rope as a portable gym.
BOYS' LIFE May 1977 (v.67#5) pg. 48

Seven physical fitness contests for Boy Scouts.
BOYS' LIFE May 1977 (v.67#5) pg. 52

A look at simple exercises that will strengthen your wrists and forearms that are done using a pair of 3-ft. broomsticks.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1977 (v.67#11) pg. 74

A look at exercises and games that can be done to keep you fit during the winter.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1977 (v.67#12) pg. 46, 48, 50, 52

Three simple exercises you can do using old newspapers.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1977 (v.67#12) pg. 75

Eight exercises using isometrics.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1980 (v.70#3) pg. 46

Fitness is fun. (1) Test for fitness. (2) Two-man tougheners.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1985 (v.75#3) pg. 38

Getting in shape for sports. Exercises to improve strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 1987 (v.77#2) pg. 34

Series of loosening-up exercises for baseball players.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1987 (v.77#3) pg. 22

Ten events that can be used for a fitness decathlon.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 1992 (v.82#2) pg. 46

A guide to getting started in weight training. Covers warm-up, back-squat lift, bench press, curls, lying triceps pullover, upright row, toe raises, and cool down.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1992 (v.82#11) pg. 46

How to make a muscle. Homemade dumbells are combined with the curl exercise to help build muscles.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1994 (v.84#4) pg. 64

No-weights workout. Six exercises to build muscles that don't require a weight set.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 1998 (v.88#2) pg. 32

How to get in shape for a strenuous hike.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1998 (v.88#4) pg. 34

Shape up now. Increase your strength, power and balance with this personal trainer program.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 2001 (v.91#2) pg. 22

An exercise that is designed to flatten your stomach in seven days.
FAMILY CIRCLE Feb 3 1978 (v.91#2) pg. 86

A weightlifting program to improve your figure and strength. Household items like kitchen cans are used as "equipment".
FAMILY CIRCLE Mar 27 1978 (v.91#4) pg. 83

An exercise program that is designed to shape the figure, build energy, increase flexibility and ease tension.
FAMILY CIRCLE Jun 14 1978 (v.91#7) pg. 104

Sidney Filson's fast, sure, trimming exercises for thighs, buttocks, upper arms and stomach.
FAMILY CIRCLE Sep 27 1978 (v.91#11) pg. 110

Update on the Canadian Air Force exercises. Instructions for ten basic exercises that take 12 minutes a day.
FAMILY CIRCLE Jan 9 1979 (v.92#1) pg. 74

How to flatten your stomach. Exercises excerpted from the book by Jim Everroad.
FAMILY CIRCLE Apr 3 1979 (v.92#5) pg. 28

Hula for exercise. How to do the Ami circular dance and the Poi ball dance.
FAMILY CIRCLE Jun 5 1979 (v.92#8) pg. 4

Twelve minute exercise routine to get in swimsuit shape.
FAMILY CIRCLE Jun 5 1979 (v.92#8) pg. 90

The easy no-flab diet. Guidelines to eating so your metabolism becomes a fat-burning one instead of a fat-storing one.
FAMILY CIRCLE Jun 26 1979 (v.92#9) pg. 50

Ten exercises to help you shape up your legs.
FAMILY CIRCLE Jun 26 1979 (v.92#9) pg. 122

How to stay fit by swimming one hour a week.
FAMILY CIRCLE Jul 17 1979 (v.92#10) pg. 96

Everroad exercises to trim your hips and shape your thighs.
FAMILY CIRCLE Aug 7 1979 (v.92#11) pg. 14

Miss Craig's 5-minute-a-day whole-body tone-up program.
FAMILY CIRCLE Sep 18 1979 (v.92#13) pg. 110

Miss Craig's 5-minutes-a-day spot reducing exercises for waist, hips and buttocks.
FAMILY CIRCLE Oct 9 1979 (v.92#14) pg. 100

Miss Craig's 5-minutes-a-day spot-reducing exercises for thighs and abdomen.
FAMILY CIRCLE Nov 1 1979 (v.92#15) pg. 106

How to have a perfect body. Bodyshaping exercises by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Douglas Kent Hall.
FAMILY CIRCLE Nov 20 1979 (v.92#16) pg. 15

Four series of exercises to change your body shape.
FAMILY CIRCLE Jun 24 1980 (v.93#9) pg. 62

Do backyard chores without back strain. Photos show the proper way to use a spade, lift heavy objects, swing a pick, and use a wheelbarrow. Tune-up exercises also shown.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #238 Apr 1983 (v.33#4) pg. 58

Get healthy with gardening. Nine exercises and stretches that strengthen the back. Also includes a list of common sense precautions for gardeners.
FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1992 (v.36#1) pg. 74

Staying fit with garden exercise. Sample programs that incorporate garden chores into aerobic and muscle-toning exercises.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jun-Jul 1993 (v.37#3) pg. 28

Tips on how gardeners can avoid back injury. Includes stretching exercises for warmups and cool downs.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1996 (v.40#5) pg. 14

The Boutelle System. Eleven "natural action" exercises for women which requires no equipment.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Feb 1978 (v.186#2) pg. 136

Exercises you can do in your car.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Jan 1979 (v.188#1) pg. 74

How to take 2" off your waist by improving your posture.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Mar 1979 (v.188#3) pg. 80

Exercises to fit into your regular schedule. Ones you can do in the shower, while watching TV, while talking on the phone, etc.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Mar 1979 (v.188#3) pg. 182

Exercises to help eliminate backache, improve abdominal muscle tone, good posture and ease joint flexibility.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Oct 1979 (v.189#4) pg. 162

Tips from exercise expert Marjorie Craig on how to take 10 years off your figure.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Nov 1979 (v.189#5) pg. 164

Ten minutes a day of spring shape up exercises.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Apr 1980 (v.190#4) pg. 200

Stretch exercises to limber up your shoulder and back.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Jul 1980 (v.191#1) pg. 68

The save-your-heart exercise book. All you need to know about exercise and your heart, including the do's, the don'ts, the myths, the best exercises, and a sample program.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Jan 1982 (v.194#1) pg. 61

Exercises and other ideas to prevent physical pain when weaving.
HANDWOVEN Mar-Apr 1985 (v.6#2) pg. 26
Added Info HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1985 (v.6#4) pg. 7

The weaver's new body. A yoga exercise program to keep weavers limber and free of aches and pains.
HANDWOVEN Mar-Apr 1998 (v.19#2) pg. 62

Stretching exercises for gardeners.
HORTICULTURE Mar 1998 (v.95#3) pg. 18

A strategy for healthy living. A computerized exercise and fitness program which provides a systematic approach to getting, and staying, in shape. The computer program occupies about 4.5K of memory and is written in DG Maxi-BASIC running on a Digital Group Z-80 system.

SHAVASAN MEDITATION program written in BASIC. Video monitor guides you in learning this yoga technique of breathing.

Computer program helps adults count calories. Written in BASIC.

Astronaut exercises adapted for you. Chart shows activity for mild, moderate, and strenuous exercise.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #467 Apr 1967 (v.63) pg. 90

Easy 30-day shape-up program to keep you physically fit.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #505 Jun 1970 (v.66) pg. 44

How to keep your family physically fit.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #511 Dec 1970 (v.66) pg. 29

Indoor exercises to keep you fit in the winter.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #523 Dec 1971 (v.67) pg. 53

How to cope with stress.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #530 Jul 1972 (v.68) pg. 64

A look at exercises to lengthen your life.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #540 May 1973 (v.69) pg. 124

How to get fit fast. A look at two new approaches to physical fitness. One is called "circuit training" and the other is "interval training".
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #560 Jan 1975 (v.71) pg. 52

How to stop being tired. Rest, exercise or take up a hobby, is the advice in this article.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #572 Jan 1976 (v.72) pg. 54

Keeping fit without exercise. Walking, dressing, step-climbing, bicycling and other normal activities, that, if done regularly, can keep you fit.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #576 May 1976 (v.72) pg. 30

Tips on taking care of your heart.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #578 Jul 1976 (v.72) pg. 84

Yoga exercises for the body and mind. Nine postures are illustrated.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #73 Jan-Feb 1982 pg. 32

Salutation to the sun. A graceful series of exercises based on hatha yoga.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #75 May-Jun 1982 pg. 64

Walk your way to fitness.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #77 Sep-Oct 1982 pg. 78

The fine art of massage.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #79 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 86

The aerobics way. Includes a recommended beginning workout program.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #83 Sep-Oct 1983 pg. 32

How to relieve minor back problems through "spontaneous release by positioning".
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #86 Mar-Apr 1984 pg. 90

Exercises to get you in shape for gardening.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1979 (v.26#3) pg. 106

Stretch your way to gardening fitness. Simple exercises to prepare your muscles for garden work.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1981 (v.28#4) pg. 96

Exercises to get the gardener in shape.
ORGANIC GARDENING May 1982 (v.29#5) pg. 78

How to improve your sleep. The physiology of sleep and the need for moderate exercise are reviewed.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1983 (v.30#3) pg. 95

Tips on how to hoe without injuring your back.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1984 (v.31#8) pg. 66

Get fit to garden. Exercises to put you in shape for gardening.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1991 (v.38#3) pg. 86

A guide to gardening positions and postures that prevent back strain. Stretching exercises to do after gardening to avoid sore muscles.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1991 (v.38#4) pg. 64

Warm up exercises to help prepare your body for strenuous gardening activity.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar-Apr 1999 (v.46#2) pg. 42

A physical checkup plus some simple exercises can get you ready for backpacking, canoeing, climbing and other summer activities.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1975 (v.143#4) pg. 101

How children between the ages of 10 and 17 can win one or more Presidential Sports Awards.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1976 (v.146#4) pg. 34

Crunch time. An examination of seven ab machines and evaluation of their effectiveness.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1997 (v.174#7) pg. 60

Simple exercises for flexibility and endurance.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1981 (v.88#11) pg. 116

Isometric exercise and a $1.29 exercise bar.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Oct 1964 (v.35#10) pg. 50

Yoga exercises help reduce fatigue, increase strength and improve health.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Apr 1966 (v.37#4) pg. 46

How the Red Chinese exercise. Tai-chi-chuan, a Chinese no-sweat exercise that tones muscles, overcomes fatigue, prevents illness and promotes health.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Jun 1967 (v.38#6) pg. 62

Tests you can try to see of you can pass the tests used to pick the first seven astronauts.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS May 1970 (v.41#5) pg. 40

For a longer life, try a little initiative and common sense.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Feb 1972 (v.43#2) pg. 72

How to save your back and still work in the garden. Tips on digging, lifting, tools, etc.
SUNSET Feb 1988 (v.180#2) pg. 182

Exercises to strengthen your back and end backaches. Includes Kraus-Weber tests for muscular strength and elasticity.
WOMAN'S DAY Apr 24 1978 (v.41#9) pg. 98

Face and posture exercises for the middle aged woman.
WOMAN'S DAY May 19 1978 (v.41#10) pg. 70

Seven stretching exercises to make you more limber.
WOMAN'S DAY Jun 14 1978 (v.41#11) pg. 122

Warm-up exercises for six popular sports (swimming, horseback riding, tennis, backpacking, water skiing and golf).
WOMAN'S DAY Jul 10 1978 (v.41#12) pg. 40

Exercises to relax and stretch muscles.
WOMAN'S DAY Oct 23 1978 (v.42#2) pg. 92

A collection of exercises designed to combat tension and stress.
WOMAN'S DAY Sep 4 1979 (v.42#14) pg. 30

Exercise plans built around roller skating, racquetball and rope skipping.
WOMAN'S DAY Nov 1 1979 (v.43#2) pg. 13