Correction FINE WOODWORKING #113 Jul-Aug 1995 pg. 10
The jigsaw. Its applications, accessories and special jigs, including a jig for filing circular saw blades.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #459 Aug 1966 (v.62) pg. 70
What can a scroll saw do for you? Its ability to make intricate internal cuts is better than a band saw and it cuts metal better than tin snips or hand-held jeweler's saw.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #532 Sep 1972 (v.68) pg. 113
User test of the Multicut-2 Universal Saw.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #633 Feb 1981 (v.77) pg. 105
Fancy fretwork cut with a jigsaw. Patterns include window ornament (or shade-pull), plant hanger, fretwork for a mirror, door accent panels, handles for tote bag, and shelf brackets.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #637 Jun 1981 (v.77) pg. 68
Cycle power. Part 3. Convert an old lawnmower engine into a combination jigsaw and disk sander which is powered by a bicycle gear.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #69 May-Jun 1981 pg. 149
Make your own sanding dowels for use in a jigsaw. Wooden dowels, split in half, are fastened around a large jigsaw blade. Sandpaper is then wrapped around the dowel.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Nov 1977 (v.8#4) pg. 4
Jigsaw indexer speeds wooden gear cutting.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1963 (v.119#3) pg. 194
Power-tool stand for jigsaw, drill press, jointer saw, and band saw include storage shelves and cabinets.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1969 (v.132#1) pg. 178
Create a jigsaw by adapting a radial arm saw and stand-mounted saber saw.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1969 (v.132#6) pg. 160
Sleeve chuck permits filing on Unimat lathe. This file-holding sleeve converts the jigsaw attachment for a Unimat lathe into a filing machine. The file is driven up-and-down while you maneuver the metal being filed.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1978 (v.149#2) pg. 28
Use your jigsaw to sharpen saw blades by equipping it with a three-square file in place of the normal blade. How to make your own file is illustrated.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1980 (v.153#4) pg. 60
Tip: Lubricate jigsaw and band saw blades with shaving cream.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1980 (v.154#4) pg. 216
Tip: Convert broken hacksaw blades and files for use in a jigsaw.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1981 (v.156#6) pg. 177
Use your scroll saw like a craftsman. Part 1. Secrets from a skilled woodworker for getting the most out of this tool.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1983 (v.159#1) pg. 96
Use your scroll saw like a craftsman. Part 2. Accessories you can build.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1983 (v.159#2) pg. 98
Homemade attachments convert your jigsaw into a sander.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1984 (v.161#2) pg. 116
Comparing jig saws.
POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1963 (v.183#5) pg. 172
Metalworking tricks on a jigsaw. Includes sawing, filing, sanding and buffing.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1967 (v.190#6) pg. 154
The straight story of the curve cutters. A comparison of band saws and jig saws. What is available and tips on their use.
POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1974 (v.205#5) pg. 114
A look at scroll saws and blade types. An overview of their uses, some sawing tips and guidelines on sawing plastics.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1977 (v.211#4) pg. 138
Selecting the correct curve-cutting saw to use (jigsaw, band saw, or saber saw) and tips on its use.
POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1983 (v.222#4) pg. 137
Build a parallel arm scroll saw of metal and wood construction. The saw has a 0.75" stroke and uses standard 5" blades. The table does not tilt.
PROJECTS IN METAL Aug 1988 (v.1#4) pg. 4
Advice for tole painters on whether or not to purchase a scroll saw. Suggests alternative sources for shaped wooden pieces, alternatives to consider before buying a saw, a general guide to what's available in scroll saws and hints on teaching yourself by use one.
TOLE WORLD #112 Sep-Oct 1991 (v.15#5) pg. 18
The new constant-tension scroll saws. What is available and tips on their use.
WOOD MAGAZINE #8 Dec 1985 (v.2#6) pg. 54
Make your own precision parallel-arm scroll saw. Power is supplied by a detachable saber saw. The frame and table for the larger scroll saw is made mostly of wood. Throat size is 23". Est. cost: $120 (plus saber saw).
WOOD MAGAZINE #12 Aug 1986 (v.3#4) pg. 32
Tip: Thin wood should be stack-cut or attached to a scrap piece of wood at least 1/2" thick in order to have good control and smooth cuts.
WOOD MAGAZINE #19 Oct 1987 (v.4#5) pg. 14
Six fun-to-do scroll saw techniques. Includes jigsaw puzzle cutting, relief plaques, glove-tight inlays, wood sculpting, and stack cutting.
WOOD MAGAZINE #20 Dec 1987 (v.4#6) pg. 34
Tip: Get more use from your scroll saw blades by using an auxiliary table to raise table height.
WOOD MAGAZINE #26 Dec 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 16
Shop test of four scroll saws priced under $150.
WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 38
Scroll saws. A buyer's guide to 35 machines.
WOOD MAGAZINE #38 Oct 1990 (v.7#6) pg. 58
Shop tests of nine constant-tension scroll saws.
WOOD MAGAZINE #45 Sep 1991 (v.8#6) pg. 68
Tool-buyer's roundup. Important buying points and charts of features for cordless drills, drill presses, jointers, portable belt sanders, routers, scroll saws, table saws, and thickness planers.
WOOD MAGAZINE #56 Nov 1992 (v.9#8) pg. 64
Tip on cutting a screwdriver slot in the head of blade-clamping screw.
WOOD MAGAZINE #67 Jan 1994 (v.11#1) pg. 10
The wide world of scroll saws. A buyer's guide to 23 models looks at the three arm types, blade installation, work piece capacity, etc.
WOOD MAGAZINE #91 Oct 1996 (v.13#7) pg. 50
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #93 Dec 1996 (v.13#9) pg. 6
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #94 Jan 1997 (v.14#1) pg. 6
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #105 Apr 1998 (v.15#3) pg. 6
Tip shows how to use a scroll saw as a sander for tight inside corners and curves.
WOODSMITH #113 Oct 1997 (v.19) pg. 5
Tip: Make sanding "blades" for a scroll saw from "Sandvik Sandplate".
WOODWORKER Jan 1989 (v.93#1) pg. 36
Tip: Coating plywood with white shellac will reduce splintering when jigsawing intricate designs.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1978 (v.2#5) pg. 11
Homemade jigsaw suitable for stock up to 1/2" thick. Built from 1" plywood and powered by 1/4 to 1/3 horsepower electric motor. Est. cost: $50 plus motor.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1983 (v.7#2) pg. 34
Homemade adjustable fence for a band saw or jigsaw.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1985 (v.9#1) pg. 58
Added Info WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1985 (v.9#3) pg. 6
Correct procedure for setting up a jigsaw with various blades.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1966 (v.22#6) pg. 40
A description and uses for the large shop jigsaw.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1969 (v.25#4) pg. 14
How to use a scroll saw for inside cuts, pad sawing, inlaying, beveling and mitering.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1972 (v.28#2) pg. 24
Shop made scroll saw does precision work. Built mostly of wood with just a few metal parts. Includes a dust blower. Cuts up to 1-1/2" softwood. Throat depth is 11".
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1981 (v.37#4) pg. 66
Scroll saw blade holder indexes the blades and makes them accessible and hard to spill.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1989 (v.45#3) pg. 72