Added Info POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1987 (v.94#9) pg. 12
How to select a pair of binoculars. Includes a summary of several models.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1970 (v.197#4) pg. 59
Tips on comparing various models of binoculars. How to determine the best power, angle of view, exit pupil, special design and quality.
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1976 (v.209#6) pg. 75
How to choose binoculars. How to check the quality of the construction and a chart for selecting the best optical specifications for a given application.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Spring 1978 pg. 96
How to choose binoculars.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Summer 1979 pg. 76
How to use a pair of binoculars mounted atop a tripod for viewing the sun. A cardboard shield is mounted to one lens barrel, covering the other barrel, and the image is cast on a screen set behind the binoculars.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Nov 1974 (v.231#5) pg. 130
Description of a 6" f/6 reflecting binocular with 9X the light grasp of a pair of 7x50 binoculars. The unit is similar to two 6" reflector telescopes working in unison.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1979 (v.58#6) pg. 582
Description of a simple, two-mirror erecting system which is used along with two simple refracting telescopes to form a pair of right-angle viewing binoculars.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1982 (v.64#5) pg. 488
Description of a large pair of "space binoculars" made from two identical 6" f/15 Cassegrain mirror systems mounted in parallel and coupled to a standard binocular eyepiece.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1982 (v.64#5) pg. 490
Tip: Make corrective lenses for binoculars, telescope eyepieces, etc. by cutting them from old eyeglasses which have been ground to your prescription.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1983 (v.65#5) pg. 465
Backyard astronomy. Part 2. Observing with binoculars. Includes tips on choosing and testing binoculars.
SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1983 (v.66#4) pg. 307
A 17.5" f/4.5 binocular reflector. Wooden mirror compartment doubles as a container for transporting the disassembled scope.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1984 (v.68#5) pg. 460
How to set the interocular spacing on binoculars to make sure that all available light is entering your eyes. This is especially important when using them at night.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1986 (v.71#1) pg. 99
Caring for telescope or binocular optics. Cleaning (dust removal, washing small optics, washing large optics). Other hazards (dew, transporting, chipping, mechanical parts).
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1987 (v.73#4) pg. 380
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1987 (v.74#2) pg. 118
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1987 (v.74#6) pg. 573
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1988 (v.76#1) pg. 5
Joys of a 10" binocular telescope. Plywood altazimuth mount supports two Newtonian reflectors for use as a giant binocular telescope.
SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1988 (v.75#2) pg. 215
A pupil primer. Understanding the pupils of your eye is important to knowing which eyepieces or binoculars to purchase. It is also the key to some relatively unknown aspects of visual observing.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1992 (v.83#5) pg. 502
Tips on building a large binocular-style reflecting telescope.
SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1993 (v.85#2) pg. 89
Binocular version of a traditional 6" f/8 reflector telescope uses a Dobsonian-style mount. Photos and text describe this amateur-built project, but no detailed instructions are included.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1995 (v.89#1) pg. 99
Backyard astronomy. Selecting a pair of binoculars for astronomical use. A look at the relative importance of both aperature and power.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1995 (v.89#5) pg. 48
Essential primer on selecting binoculars for astronomy.
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1997 (v.93#4) pg. 46
Caring for optics. Advice on cleaning lenses and mirrors found in telescopes, binoculars, cameras, etc.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1997 (v.94#1) pg. 106
Homebuilt right-angle binoculars consist of a pair of carefully aligned optical trains, each having an eyepiece, Amici prism, and objective lens.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 2002 (v.104#1) pg. 112
Some thoughts on choosing and using binoculars for astronomy. Includes some ideas for mounting binoculars.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 2002 (v.104#3) pg. 94
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 2003 (v.105#1) pg. 14
Looking at binoculars. Know what your want before you buy. Includes tips on caring for binoculars.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #67 Jun-Jul 1989 pg. 52
Designing and constructing a 13" Dobsonian binocular. Some tips.
TELESCOPE MAKING #20 Summer-Fall 1983 pg. 27
Transportable Dobsonian binocular telescope features two 17" mirrors. The mirror box doubles as a storage container for the remainder of the optical system. Eight metal tubes and a collapsible rocker (base) complete the framework.
TELESCOPE MAKING #24 Fall 1984 pg. 28
Revitalizing a 20x120mm Japanese binocular of World War II vintage. Includes a redesigned eyepiece to give 23mm eye relief.
TELESCOPE MAKING #37 Summer 1989 pg. 16
A simple test of the collimation of binoculars.
TELESCOPE MAKING #42 Fall 1990 pg. 32