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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

sa   COLOR
sa   LIGHT
sa   PRISM
xx   LIGHT

How to engage in observing and recording atmospheric optics. Part 1. Formerly called meteorological optics, it is simply the study of the multitudinous visual effects our atmosphere creates on light received from the sun.
ASTRONOMY Feb 1982 (v.10#2) pg. 50

How to engage in observing and recording atmospheric optics. Part 2.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1982 (v.10#3) pg. 54

Homemade refraction tank allows simulation of moving lights seen in the night sky under atmospheric temperature inversions, one explanation for UFO sightings.
POPULAR SCIENCE May 1970 (v.196#5) pg. 109

Moire patterns provide both recreation and some analogues for solving problems.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Nov 1964 (v.211#5) pg. 134

Nomogram for determining the distance at which an object must be placed from a lens of known focal length so that its image will come to focus at a specified distance on the other side of the lens.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1970 (v.223#2) pg. 117

Projecting moire patterns on 3-dimensional objects and photographing the results.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Oct 1973 (v.229#4) pg. 120

How to make cylindrical and conical anamorphoscopes. Also includes instructions for making drawings using the geometrical technique and with the use of an enlarger or 35mm slide projector. (Anamorphic art is realistic art that has been grossly distorted in projection. By viewing the distortion through an anamorphoscope the image is reflected undistorted.)
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1975 (v.232#1) pg. 110

How to make a ruling engine that generates diffraction gratings of top optical quality.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Apr 1975 (v.232#4) pg. 134

Observations on grinding glass by hand (free abrasive grinding) with suggestions for preventing scratches.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1978 (v.239#2) pg. 140

A look at some classic visual diversions that were popular in the 19th century (moire effects, the kaleidoscope and the stereoscope). Includes information on duplicating moire pattern systems, how to make a kaleidoscope and how to make your own stereoscope and stereo cards from old Polaroid snapshots.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1978 (v.239#6) pg. 182
Added Info SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1979 (v.240#6) pg. 195

Investigating the supernumary arcs (extra bands of color) found in some rainbows.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1980 (v.242#6) pg. 174

The amateur scientist. Anamorphic pictures (photographs). Distorted views from which distortion can be removed.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jul 1981 (v.245#1) pg. 176

Experiments with a gradient-index (GRIN) lens in which the index of refraction varies internally.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jul 1982 (v.247#1) pg. 151

Simple optical experiments in which spatial filtering removes the unwanted information ("noise") from pictures.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Nov 1982 (v.247#5) pg. 194

How to make lenses out of ice. Use them to start a fire, take a picture, etc.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Apr 1983 (v.248#4) pg. 132

The amateur scientist. The optics of fly fishing. An analysis of how a fish views an object on (and above) the surface of the water. The impact of light refraction on line of sight.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1984 (v.250#3) pg. 138

The amateur scientist. How the sun's reflection from water offers a means of calculating the slopes of waves. By photographing the reflection, one can compute the maximum slope without having to go out on the water. Experiments with reflections from a tilted mirror help illustrate the concepts.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1985 (v.252#6) pg. 130

Layout and description of the "Hall of Mirrors" in Lucerne, Switzerland. Properties of the typical optical maze are discussed.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1986 (v.254#6) pg. 120

Experiments on three-dimensional vision. Basic designs for a hyperscope, pseudoscope, and rhombus device are included.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Nov 1986 (v.255#5) pg. 134

Reflections from a water surface display some curious optical properties.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1987 (v.256#1) pg. 120

Reflections from a shiny ball. An analysis of the distorted images seen in Christmas-tree ornaments and other reflecting balls.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1988 (v.259#6) pg. 112

The colors seen in the sky offer lessons in optical scattering. How light interracts with molecules and airborne particles.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1989 (v.260#1) pg. 102

A drop of water becomes a gateway into the world of "catastrophe optics". A study of light patterns caused when light passes through a drop of water attached to a glass surface.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Sep 1989 (v.261#3) pg. 176

Optical ray-tracing on a microcomputer. Short BASIC program traces a meridional light ray through an optical system. Any combination of lens and mirror surfaces are allowed.
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1981 (v.61#4) pg. 356

Build a simple optical instrument to view diffraction patterns.
SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1983 (v.66#4) pg. 355

How to simulate the concept of a "gravitational lens" and show the effect.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1983 (v.66#5) pg. 394

A field guide to atmospheric optics. Includes rainbows, halo phenomena, coronas, glories, low suns and twilights.
SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1989 (v.77#3) pg. 254
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1989 (v.78#2) pg. 125

Warning on potential health hazards for optical fabricators who work with diamond cutting and surfacing equipment.
TELESCOPE MAKING #34 Fall 1988 pg. 39