Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1999 (v.16#10) pg. 16
Space horticulture. Part 2.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1999 (v.16#9) pg. 73
How to deliver a baby.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Jun 1965 (v.36#6) pg. 31
The role of capsaicin in carcinogenesis. Description of a sophisticated science fair project in biochemistry.
SCIENCE PROBE! Oct 1991 (v.1#4) pg. 103
Experiments in photoaxis, the response of organisms to changes in illumination.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Oct 1964 (v.211#4) pg. 128
How to isolate microorganisms that secrete antibiotics from samples of topsoil.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Nov 1965 (v.213#5) pg. 124
How to cultivate the slime molds and perform experiments on them.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1966 (v.214#1) pg. 116
How to record and listen to the electrical signals produced by microscopic animals.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Feb 1966 (v.214#2) pg. 120
Experiments with animal cells living in tissue culture.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Apr 1966 (v.214#4) pg. 122
Building miniature, short-range transmitters of the type often used in biomedicine. Applications shown include (1) temperature-sensing, (2) pressure-sensing, (3) long-range animal tracking, (4) pH sensing, and (5) a passive transmitter.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1968 (v.218#3) pg. 128
How to study antigens and antibodies by their diffusion pattern in agar. A simple experiment that amateurs can perform to investigate the chemistry of biological immunity.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Sep 1969 (v.221#3) pg. 249
Experiments in generating the constituents of living matter from inorganic substances. Includes construction details of an apparatus for synthesizing amino acids with heat.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1970 (v.222#1) pg. 130
How to study the life of a pond. Details of a limnological study that was a prize-winning Science Fair project.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1970 (v.222#3) pg. 131
An observatory (Benthobservatory) built in the middle of a pond, with waterproof windows in the walls, provides a good view of aquatic animals and plants. Built of plywood, covered with fiberglass, and attached to a concrete base. Entry is through a roof hatch.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Oct 1972 (v.227#4) pg. 114
How an amateur can construct a model of an enzyme molecule that is both skeletal and space-filling.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1976 (v.234#1) pg. 124
The amateur scientist. All about phosphenes, those luminous patterns that appear when the eyes are closed and pressed with your fingers.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1981 (v.244#5) pg. 174
How to observe visual artifacts (also known as "floaters" or entoptic phenomena) that result from blood cells in front of the retina.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Apr 1982 (v.246#4) pg. 150
A computer program that allows the best answer to evolve. Understanding and writing a simple genetic algorithm and using it in some experiments.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jul 1992 (v.267#1) pg. 114
Neurons for computers. Introduction to the creating and training of computer models of artificial neural networks.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Sep 1992 (v.267#3) pg. 170
Biodiversity in your backyard. Systematic inventories of the plant species which occupy a 16-meter square area shows how to construct species-area curves.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1993 (v.268#1) pg. 150
Teaching a few simple tricks to the lowly fruit fly. How to teach insects to respond to an odor by raising some fruit flies and testing them in a simple wind tunnel.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1993 (v.268#3) pg. 106
Creating biological oscillators from fireflies. Artificial (electronic) fireflies synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking (just as real fireflies do in nature).
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1993 (v.269#6) pg. 128
Genetically altering Escherichia coli (E coli). Experimenting with DNA alteration by inserting a gene for resistance to penicillin into the bacterium.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1994 (v.270#6) pg. 108
Measuring the metabolism of small organisms, like insects, using a Warburg apparatus which you build yourself.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1995 (v.273#6) pg. 102
Build a micromotion detector that can count insect heartbeats. Relies on the use of minuscule magnets and a sensitive Hall effect transducer. Est. cost: $40.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1996 (v.275#2) pg. 96
Techniques for exploring the life in a small pond. Includes instructions for constructing a light-baited trap, a grappling hook, and a dredge net for specimen collection.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Sep 1996 (v.275#3) pg. 169
Amateur biotechnology. Extracting and purifying DNA from plant cells in your own kitchen using ordinary household products.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Sep 1998 (v.279#3) pg. 96
Sorting molecules with electricity. A plastic soap dish with a layer of agarose gel permits complex molecular mixtures to be separated by electrophoresis. Describes an experiment to determine if two plant species (with the exact same color of flower) use the same molecules as pigments.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1998 (v.279#6) pg. 110