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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   FOOD

How to butcher a goat kid.
COUNTRYSIDE May 1979 (v.63#5) pg. 50

Tips on slaughtering rabbits.
COUNTRYSIDE Jun 1979 (v.63#6) pg. 48

Journal of a first time hog slaughtering.
COUNTRYSIDE Oct 1979 (v.63#10) pg. 49

A guide to slaughtering your own beef. Part 1.
COUNTRYSIDE Sep 1980 (v.64#9) pg. 27

A guide to slaughtering your own beef. Part 2. How to cut and package the meat.
COUNTRYSIDE Oct 1980 (v.64#10) pg. 36

Step-by-step instructions for rendering lard.
COUNTRYSIDE Sep 1981 (v.65#9) pg. 26

More meat for your money. Cutting beef, cutting pork, skinning a goat, etc. (4 articles).
COUNTRYSIDE Nov 1981 (v.65#11) pg. 36

Raising and butchering turkeys.
COUNTRYSIDE Jan 1982 (v.66#1) pg. 45

How to butcher a rabbit.
COUNTRYSIDE Feb 1982 (v.66#2) pg. 51

Tips on butchering, packaging and freezing beef.
COUNTRYSIDE Jan 1983 (v.67#1) pg. 11

How to butcher and pluck geese.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Oct 1985 (v.69#10) pg. 24

How to butcher a rabbit.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1986 (v.70#3) pg. 40

Suggestions for how to humanely render an animal dead without a struggle.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL May-Aug 1986 (v.70#4) pg. 71

How to butcher a rabbit.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1986 (v.70#6) pg. 46

Tips on plucking chickens using a commercial device that fits on an electric drill.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL May-Jun 1989 (v.73#3) pg. 17

How to butcher a hog.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1989 (v.73#5) pg. 49

Hog butchering the easy way.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1995 (v.79#5) pg. 53

Easy-to-make small animal dressing station is made from a 55-gallon drum.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1996 (v.80#5) pg. 70

Advice on how to butcher in warm weather.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1996 (v.80#5) pg. 70

Tips on butchering chickens.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1998 (v.82#2) pg. 38

Homestead meat. (1) Butchering a hog. (2) Rabbit butchering and meat curing. (3) Smoking meat. (4) Making sausage.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1999 (v.83#5) pg. 63

A different way of butchering chickens uses a garden hose to easily skin the bird.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jan-Feb 2000 (v.84#1) pg. 21

How to kill, skin and process a groundhog for meat. Includes cooking tips and recipes.
HARROWSMITH #22 Sep 1979 (v.4#2) pg. 79

How to kill and dress poultry.
HARROWSMITH #31 Oct 1980 (v.5#3) pg. 86

The complete fowl yard. A short treatise in praise of ducks and geese. Includes tips on raising and slaughtering for food.
HARROWSMITH #33 Feb 1981 (v.5#5) pg. 70

The pleasures of a backyard chicken flock. Suggestions for a beginner on which birds to select, where to get them, preparation of some accommodations and general maintenance tips. Also describes the butchering process and egg gathering and handling.
HARROWSMITH #85 May-Jun 1989 (v.14#1) pg. 73

Butchering, cutting and curing pork. Part 1.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #17 Sep 1972 pg. 74

Butchering, cutting and curing pork. Part 2.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #18 Nov 1972 pg. 76

Butchering, cutting and curing pork. Part 3.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #19 Jan 1973 pg. 78

Beef and veal butchering and curing.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #20 Mar 1973 pg. 72

Lamb butchering and curing.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #21 May 1973 pg. 74

How to kill and quarter your own beef.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #59 Sep-Oct 1979 pg. 131

Tip: Place a sock over a turkeys head the night before you plan to slaughter it.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #72 Nov-Dec 1981 pg. 48

Equipment and techniques needed to slaughter a hog the "old-fashioned" way.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #77 Sep-Oct 1982 pg. 70

Easy way to pluck (deplume, defeather) both wild and tame birds.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #77 Sep-Oct 1982 pg. 139

The no-pluck chicken-cleaning technique.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #81 May-Jun 1983 pg. 161

Butchering, the bare-bones basics. Technique for butchering big game.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #90 Nov-Dec 1984 pg. 50

Suggestions on what knives are best for butchering. Four steps for sharpening a knife.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #91 Jan-Feb 1985 pg. 56

Tips on raising geese for pleasure and profit. Includes information on butchering.
ORGANIC GARDENING Sep 1977 (v.24#9) pg. 156