Adapt a machinist's protractor (revolving turret protractor head) to improve the angular table settings on a band saw, disc sander, etc. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #44 Apr 1995 pg. 26
Combine two protractors to more accurately measure the angle of bevel on a chisel or plane iron. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #71 Feb 1999 pg. 36
Shop-built saw protractor for cutting acute angles on wide planks with a portable circular saw. FINE HOMEBUILDING #55 Aug-Sep 1989 pg. 26
Adjustable protractor. An accurate adjustable angle gauge is make from two identical plastic protractors. FINE WOODWORKING #54 Sep-Oct 1985 pg. 14
Advice for kite flyers on quick and easy ways to estimate the angle of elevation without fancy equipment. Includes tip on how to make a simple quadrant from a flat stick, cardboard, a piece of cord, a weight and a protractor. KITE LINES Spring 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 41
Jig for adjusting the blade angle of a ground-adjustable propeller is also suitable for setting up just about any other wing or fuselage alignment parameters. It combines a machinist's protractor with two bubble tubes from an inexpensive level. SPORT AVIATION Sep 1992 (v.41#9) pg. 83
How to use an angle bevel and protractor to measure an angle precisely. WOOD MAGAZINE #50 Feb 1992 (v.9#2) pg. 90
Angle gauge. Convert a protractor into a gauge to set the table angle for a scroll saw, jigsaw, band saw, etc. WOODSMITH #96 Dec 1994 (v.16) pg. 5
Tip: Use a folding metre rule as a large protractor with the help of the table (chart) included in this article. WOODWORKER #1100 Jul 1985 (v.89) pg. 533
Protractor device for checking the squareness or angle of a mortise hole. WOODWORKER Feb 1990 (v.94#2) pg. 163
How to use the standard 2-ft. framing square as a protractor. Table shows you how to determine the correct angle to cut the ends of boards being used to form polygons from 3 to 20 sides. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1979 (v.35#6) pg. 20