A description of how brick paths are built at Colonial Williamsburg with step-by-step photos of how you can build one at home. AMERICANA Mar-Apr 1978 (v.6#1) pg. 30
Long platform steps made of brick laid in sand beds provide stairsteps down a gentle slope. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jun 1987 (v.65#6) pg. 38, 135
Relandscaping of a front yard. A description of the installation of brick and timber steps. Includes lists of trees, shrubs, flowers and ground covers that will stay compact and colorful. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Sep 1991 (v.69#9) pg. 21
Front-yard facelift. Includes instructions for building a brick-on-aggregate path and a low limestone wall (edging a raised planting bed). BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Sep 1994 (v.72#9) pg. 65
The beaten path. The secret to a well-built brick or paver path is the time and effort needed to prepare a proper foundation (base). CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Jul-Aug 2000 (v.23#9) pg. 22
How to lay interlocking paving brick to recreate the effect of cobblestones. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jul 1981 (v.4#10) pg. 47
Build patios and walkways with clay bricks layed on a compacted bed of sand, without any morter between the joints. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1985 (v.8#7) pg. 38
Construct exterior steps which combine a preserved wood frame with clay brick paving. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1985 (v.8#7) pg. 54
How to lay a brick sidewalk. FAMILY HANDYMAN #105 Aug 1968 (v.18#4) pg. 40
How to pave with bricks and sand. FAMILY HANDYMAN #135 Apr 1972 (v.22#4) pg. 56
How to build a brick and sand patio. Discusses layout, excavation, edging, laying and locking the bricks, steps and walkways. FAMILY HANDYMAN #182 Jul-Aug 1977 (v.27#5) pg. 52
Ideas for four low-maintenance yards. Includes wooden decks, brick paving, and wood walkways. FAMILY HANDYMAN #247 Mar 1984 (v.34#3) pg. 31
Three ways to build a brick patio. FAMILY HANDYMAN #247 Mar 1984 (v.34#3) pg. 54
Tip: How to install brick edging on a bed of sand in order to minimize the amount of heaving due to frost. FAMILY HANDYMAN #249 May-Jun 1984 (v.34#5) pg. 12
Build a brick and timber patio in two weekends. FAMILY HANDYMAN #267 Mar 1986 (v.36#3) pg. 65
How to make pullers for individual patio pavers or bricks. FAMILY HANDYMAN #331 Sep 1992 (v.42#8) pg. 80
Add a decorative brick accent strip to both sides of a plain concrete sidewalk. FAMILY HANDYMAN #351 Sep 1994 (v.44#8) pg. 32
Patio repairs. How to fix patios that are made of paver bricks or 8"x12" patio blocks. One repair involves removing rotted wood edging and replacing with preformed plastic edging. A second repair involves dips and heaves caused by tree roots or sand loss. FAMILY HANDYMAN #357 Apr 1995 (v.45#4) pg. 52
Tip shows how to make a puller to remove individual bricks or pavers in a sand-based patio. FAMILY HANDYMAN #366 Mar 1996 (v.46#3) pg. 75
How to cover concrete steps with a veneer of thin brick. FAMILY HANDYMAN #382 Oct 1997 (v.47#9) pg. 38
Paths of brick. How to pave walkways without mortar or concrete. FINE GARDENING #28 Nov-Dec 1992 pg. 38
Tip on incorporating brick weeding paths into a wide border garden. FINE GARDENING #39 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 8
Tip on using undiluted bleach to kill plant and moss growth on brick pathways and clean the bricks. FINE GARDENING #43 May-Jun 1995 pg. 22
Build a brick garden path on a gravel and sand base. FINE GARDENING #50 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 52
Choosing pavers for the garden. Help in selecting the one that's right for you. FINE GARDENING #61 May-Jun 1998 pg. 46
Laying an interior brick floor with mortar. FINE HOMEBUILDING #14 Apr-May 1983 pg. 32
Tip: Make a wooden screed with a slight arch to contour the sandbed for brick walks. FINE HOMEBUILDING #20 Apr-May 1984 pg. 16
Tips on installing paving bricks and sealing the cracks with sand or mortar. FINE HOMEBUILDING #23 Oct-Nov 1984 pg. 12
Tips on installing dry (non-mortared) brick paving. FINE HOMEBUILDING #32 Apr-May 1986 pg. 12
Brick floors. How a New Mexico professional lays a brick floor without mortar or string lines. Includes tips on cutting bricks with a chisel. FINE HOMEBUILDING #33 Jun-Jul 1986 pg. 68
Added Info FINE HOMEBUILDING #34 Aug-Sep 1986 pg. 6
Brick-mosaic patios. Creating patterns and pictures with dry-laid brick and a diamond-bladed saw. FINE HOMEBUILDING #64 Dec 1990-Jan 1991 pg. 80
Tip on using concrete parking-lot bumpers as footers around outdoor stone or brick paving. FINE HOMEBUILDING #107 Feb-Mar 1997 pg. 26
Recipe for aging garden pavers, bricks or stones with buttermilk and moss spores. GARDEN GATE #8 Apr 1996 pg. 6
On the right path. Planning a garden path, its purpose, materials and safety considerations. Includes instructions for preparing a base for brick-on-sand or stone-on-mortar paths. GARDEN GATE #11 Oct 1996 pg. 24
How to lay paving bricks in concrete. HANDY ANDY Jul 1978 (v.2#9) pg. 91
Brick-in-sand steps bordered with 6x6 pressure-treated wood ties. HOME MECHANIX #685 May 1985 (v.81) pg. 58
How to excavate sod and lay a brick-on-sand sidewalk. HOME MECHANIX #721 May 1988 (v.84) pg. 48
Path to glory. How to recreate a prize-winning brick walkway and concrete-paver driveway. HOME MECHANIX #733 May 1989 (v.85) pg. 34
Added Info HOME MECHANIX #736 Aug 1989 (v.85) pg. 8
Added Info HOME MECHANIX #737 Sep 1989 (v.85) pg. 11
Tips on laying a brick terrace in concrete. HOMEOWNER Jul-Aug 1985 (v.10#6) pg. 64
Tip: Cement pad for a garden shed is made by enclosing a brick floor within a cinder-block frame, sweeping dry concrete mix into all the cracks, and spraying with water from a hose. HOMEOWNER Nov 1986 (v.11#9) pg. 8
Beautiful in brick. Ideas for adding pattern, texture and color to your outdoor improvements (walkways, patios, planters, walls, etc). Includes instructions on laying a brick-on-sand patio. HOMEOWNER May 1990 (v.15#4) pg. 26
Quick brick retrofit. How to turn weedy garden walks into artful brick paths. KITCHEN GARDEN #9 Jun-Jul 1997 pg. 48
How to lay a brick walkway. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #647 Apr 1982 (v.78) pg. 76
How to lay a brick patio on a bed of grout, setting them in a thin course of mortar and filling the cracks with dry mortar which is then wetted with a hose. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #650 Jul 1982 (v.78) pg. 94
Tip: How to finish interior brick floors to build up the patina. NEW SHELTER Jan 1986 (v.7#1) pg. 36
Brick walks. How to plan, prepare the site, set the border and lay the pavers. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul 1980 (v.8#7) pg. 73
Correction OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Oct 1980 (v.8#10) pg. 137
Recreating a brick walk with a herringbone pattern. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL May-Jun 1994 (v.22#4) pg. 16
Down the brick path. A look at colonial traditions and description of how to lay brick on a bed of sand. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1998 (v.26#4) pg. 41
How to build brick or stone pathways. ORGANIC GARDENING Oct 1980 (v.27#10) pg. 124
Tips on how to make a brick paved path around your garden. ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1984 (v.31#11) pg. 53, 54
Brick walkway and outdoor stairs are edged with 6"x6" pressure-treated wood enclosing a base of gravel and landscape fabric. ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1990 (v.37#9) pg. 63
How to lay masonry floors (brick, slate, flagstone, marble, etc.). PARENTS HOME Jul 1981 (v.5#9) pg. 48
Repairing brick paving. PARENTS HOME Jul 1981 (v.5#9) pg. 52
How to build a brick-in-sand patio. Includes preparation of the site, borders and how to build a tamper. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1973 (v.140#1) pg. 78
How to build brick and masonry steps. POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1975 (v.144#2) pg. 78
How to dress up your yard with brick. How to lay brick walks and patios in a bed of sand and how to lay up brick walls for planters, etc. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1977 (v.147#5) pg. 104
How to install a brick-in-sand patio. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1986 (v.163#7) pg. 271
Step-by-step guide to installing brick driveway pavers. POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1993 (v.170#10) pg. 80
How to lay a brick patio. POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1976 (v.209#2) pg. 108
Tips on installing 1/2"-thick brick floor tiles (pavers). POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1985 (v.226#3) pg. 78
Dry-laid paving. Some tips on laying brick and other pavers for use as walks, borders, etc. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1988 (v.233#1) pg. 66
Added Info POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1988 (v.233#4) pg. 6
Versatile brick paving. Tips on installing brick paving. PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Apr 1988 (v.3#4) pg. 66
Graceful paving. Mortarless paver patios and walks are easy to design, build, and repair. How to lay bricks, concrete pavers, or cut-stone blocks on a prepared base of crushed rock and coarse sand. PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 84
Homescaping with bricks. How to build brick walls and planters. How to lay patios, porches, steps and sidewalks of brick or concrete flagstone. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Spring 1978 pg. 87
"Homescaping" with bricks. How to build walls, barbecues, patios, planters, sidewalks, etc. from brick. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Spring 1980 pg. 86
How to use broken chunks of brick to lay sidewalks and garden walks. SUNSET May 1977 (v.158#5) pg. 246
Pictures show how a backyard was transformed by the addition of two decks, a brick walkway and a greenhouse. Est. cost: $1800 SUNSET Oct 1977 (v.159#4) pg. 176
Bricks as garden paving. An overview of brick choices and design ideas. SUNSET Aug 1991 (v.187#2) pg. 48
How to save a slowly sinking brick patio. TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #819 Oct 1997 (v.93) pg. 84
Tip on how to install 1/2" thick floor brick over an existing floor. WOMAN'S DAY Jun 14 1978 (v.41#11) pg. 129, 142
Laying a brick walk. WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1965 (v.21#5) pg. 37
Laying sidewalks and patios of brick without mortar. WORKBENCH May-Jun 1969 (v.25#3) pg. 13
How to build exterior concrete steps with a brick overlay. WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1990 (v.46#5) pg. 10
A grand entrance. Enhance a poured concrete porch or patio by applying split brick pavers to the top and edges using thin-set mortar. WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1998 (v.54#4) pg. 32
Added Info WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1998 (v.54#6) pg. 8
Laying a serpentine walkway of brick. WORKBENCH #254 Jul-Aug 1999 (v.55#4) pg. 30