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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to install a 12-volt lighting system in your garden.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jun 1971 (v.49#6) pg. J10 (104+)

Low-voltage light for patio. Uses a 12-volt marine or automotive light set into a wooden fixture. Est. cost: $25.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1982 (v.60#7) pg. 34, 47

Installing low-voltage pot lights in a kitchen ceiling is illustrated in photos.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Feb 2001 (v.24#4) pg. 58

Handsome outdoor post light features wooden construction, louvred sides and a copper top. Light is provided by a low-voltage bulb.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Jun 2001 (v.24#8) pg. 24

Build your own 12-volt generator system for a remote cabin. Consists of a gasoline engine turning an alternator to charge heavy-duty batteries. Includes tips on wiring the cabin.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1983 (v.6#7) pg. 46

How to install a low-voltage lighting system along a walk.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jun 1991 (v.14#9) pg. 23

Prewiring for tomorrow's home, today. Suggestions for typical low voltage wiring to deliver TV, telephone and auxiliary signals to every room in your house.
ELECTRONIC HOUSE May-Jun 1990 (v.5#3) pg. 17
Added Info ELECTRONIC HOUSE Sep-Oct 1990 (v.5#5) pg. 27

Tip on safely controlling low-voltage yard lights (without overheating the transformer) and variable-speed ceiling fans (with induction motors) using X-10 switches.
ELECTRONIC HOUSE Sep-Oct 1992 (v.7#5) pg. 8

Using X-10 to control low-voltage lights via an existing 24-volt relay system.
ELECTRONIC HOUSE Mar-Apr 1995 (v.10#2) pg. 56

How to control low-voltage landscape lights using X-10 modules.
ELECTRONIC HOUSE Dec 1996 (v.11#6) pg. 60

Electronics wiring for the home. Update your wiring to make it easier to add new technologies to your houseshold. An overview of code requirements for low-voltage wiring to ensure fire safety and using plastic conduit to run wires.

A look at low-voltage lighting systems for yard and garden. Tips on planning and installing a system.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #190 May-Jun 1978 (v.28#5) pg. 68

Update your home's lighting with an indoor low-voltage system. Install a 12-volt track lighting system
FAMILY HANDYMAN #225 Jan 1982 (v.32#1) pg. 58

Light up your yard. How to select outdoor lighting, install a low voltage system, run an outlet to your yard, etc.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #229 May-Jun 1982 (v.32#5) pg. 60

Tip: Use a hot melt glue gun to secure low voltage wiring to concrete or masonry walls.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #292 Oct 1988 (v.38#8) pg. 100

Low-voltage outdoor lighting. Tips on selection and installation.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #299 Jun 1989 (v.39#6) pg. 34

Lighting a deck using a low-voltage system.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #360 Jul-Aug 1995 (v.45#7) pg. 69

Garden lighting. Illumination for safety and enjoyment. Low-voltage vs. line systems compared. Tips on designing, task vs. mood lighting and guidelines for installation.
FINE GARDENING #19 May-Jun 1991 pg. 66
Added Info FINE GARDENING #21 Sep-Oct 1991 pg. 8

A solar-powered cabin. How photovoltaic cells, battery storage and low-demand appliances bring electrical self-sufficiency to this small vacation home.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #8 Apr-May 1982 pg. 46

Outdoor yard light. Add a permanent sculptural light to your landscape. This square wooden post (9"x9"x37" tall) is fabricated from cedar and encloses a low voltage lamp.
FLOWER & GARDEN Nov-Dec 1990 (v.34#6) pg. 52

Accenting with low-voltage landscape lights. Advice on taking a critical look at the landscape areas to light and several basic lighting techniques for highlighting them.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jun-Jul 1994 (v.38#3) pg. 18

Light up the night. How to use low-voltage lighting to improve the landscape.
GARDEN GATE #15 Jun 1997 pg. 36

Night magic. Inexpensive low-voltage lighting systems turn outdoor spaces into enchanted places. Advice on selection, placement and installation.
HOME MECHANIX #736 Aug 1989 (v.85) pg. 36

Night lights. Tips on selecting and installing low-voltage landscape lighting.
HOMEOWNER Jul-Aug 1987 (v.12#6) pg. 42

Installing outdoor lighting using low-voltage fixtures. Includes a technique for preventing voltage dropoff.
HOMEOWNER Jul-Aug 1990 (v.15#6) pg. 44

An overview of electrical independence. Low-voltage living. How to install and use 12-volt direct current systems.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #90 Nov-Dec 1984 pg. 132

Build a gasoline-powered DC generator from a 2.5- to 5-HP engine and an automobile alternator. Delivers 12-volts DC at up to 40 amps, or more.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1989 (v.6#5) pg. 44

Electronics (low-voltage) wiring for your home. How to do a professional-quality job that follows Code requirements and facilitates making changes and additions.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 43

Build a pop-up, low-voltage, outdoor-lighting system. Underground sprinkler system components are used to raise the lamps from their below-surface storage compartments.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1992 (v.9#5) pg. 38
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1992 (v.9#8) pg. 3

Discover low-voltage indoor lighting. Includes installation tips.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1984 (v.161#1) pg. 108

Installing low-voltage outdoor landscape lighting systems.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1990 (v.167#8) pg. 103

Outdoor wiring that is easy and safe using low voltage (12 volt) wiring and lamps.
POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1966 (v.189#2) pg. 146

Combination generator and hot water system for a small boat, camper, etc. A 6-volt auto generator driven by a small gasoline engine produces 30 amperes. Heat exchanger uses exhaust from the gas engine to heat two gallons of water from 65 degrees to 185 degrees F each hour.
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1967 (v.191#6) pg. 86

Wiring your home for those low-voltage gadgets, like intercoms, burglar alarms, remote controls, etc. Suggestions for types of wire and terminators to use which can provide for future expansion.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1974 (v.204#1) pg. 102

Tips on selecting and installing low-voltage yard lighting. How to make your own low-voltage light fixtures is described.
POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1977 (v.210#4) pg. 114

Transform your yard with low-voltage lighting. Includes instructions for making your own L-V light fixtures from 12-volt automotive lamps.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1986 (v.228#6) pg. 90

Tips on selecting and installing a low-voltage outdoor lighting system.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Mar 1988 (v.3#3) pg. 53

Points of light. Using low-voltage lighting indoors to highlight various objects (pictures, unique furniture, ...).
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Oct 1991 (v.6#8) pg. 46

Homemade low-voltage outdoor lighting system ideas.
SUNSET Sep 1982 (v.169#3) pg. 114

Outdoor lighting, the art and technology. A look at fixtures that are available and techniques for using them. Low-voltage and standard current are compared. Includes tips for designing your own low-voltage system from automobile lights.
SUNSET Jul 1989 (v.183#1) pg. 72

Lighting the way. Easy, inexpensive ways to make your yard come alive after dark using low-voltage lighting.
TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #814 Apr 1997 (v.93) pg. 72

Build elegant wooden light boxes as part of a low-voltage landscape lighting system.
WOOD MAGAZINE #29 Jun 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 50
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #32 Dec 1989 (v.6#6) pg. 10

Low-voltage yard lighting fixture is an elegant Honduran mahogany lantern fitted with a sealed-beam lamp.
WOOD MAGAZINE #114 Apr 1999 (v.16#3) pg. 46, Insert