Jig for cutting large circles using a router. AMERICAN WOODWORKER May-Jun 1988 (v.4#2) pg. 12
Simple jig to route circles and radii is made from perforated hardboard. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #26 May-Jun 1992 pg. 15
Jig to rout curves with radii as small as 10" and as long as 14 feet. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #29 Nov-Dec 1992 pg. 16
Making and using a router ellipse jig that allows cutting or drawing perfect ovals without the hassle of templates or string. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #31 Mar-Apr 1993 pg. 31
Simple jig for making a variety of circular cuts with a router. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #52 Jun 1996 pg. 22
Circle-routing jig cuts accurate circles or arcs of any diameter up to 60". AMERICAN WOODWORKER #53 Aug 1996 pg. 20
Tip on using a metal rod (inserted into the edge guide hole of a router base) as a jig when routing arcs and circles. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #54 Oct 1996 pg. 30
Circle-cutting jig for a router also acts as a stabilizer when edge routing. CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Nov 2001 (v.25#2) pg. 34
Homemade circle-cutting router jig is used to fabricate large semi-circular frame for a dining table. FAMILY HANDYMAN #239 May-Jun 1983 (v.33#5) pg. 78
Cut large circles of wood using your router and this simple jig. FAMILY HANDYMAN #358 May 1995 (v.45#5) pg. 30
Modified router table is used to cut perfect circles up to 18" diameter in loudspeaker baffle boards. FINE WOODWORKING #32 Jan-Feb 1982 pg. 16
Jig for using a router to fabricate a raised-rim circular tabletop. This is an alternative to outboard turning of a large object on a lathe. FINE WOODWORKING #98 Jan-Feb 1993 pg. 16
Accurate circle-cutting jig is made with two 18" rods that fit the guide holes of a router. FINE WOODWORKING #99 Mar-Apr 1993 pg. 12
How to use your existing guide bars, two small wooden blocks and a length of wood as an adjustable circle-cutting router jig. FINE WOODWORKING #103 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 22
Simple jig for cutting smooth, accurate circles (discs) on a router table. FINE WOODWORKING #119 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 14
Circle-cutting router jig. HOME FURNITURE #2 Spring 1995 pg. 96
Adjustable trammel for use with a router. SHOPNOTES #3 May 1992 (v.1) pg. 8
Circle cutting jig for a router. SHOPNOTES #35 Sep 1997 (v.6) pg. 27
Five great router tricks. (1) Template for cutting smooth circles. (2) Making fixed-louver inserts. (3) Biscuit joinery. (4) Making simple cabinet door frames with a 3/8" rabbeting bit. (5) Jig for trimming solid-wood edge banding flush with the surface. WOOD MAGAZINE #33 Feb 1990 (v.7#1) pg. 34
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #35 Jun 1990 (v.7#3) pg. 9
Make a no-hole centerpoint (from a modified self-adhesive plastic towel hook) for use with a trammel-mounted router or portable sabersaw WOOD MAGAZINE #65 Nov 1993 (v.10#8) pg. 6
Vacuum-veneering and clamping. How to construct a hold-down platform, trammel pivot, router template, push-block and band saw circle-cutting jig, all of which rely on vacuum pressure to operate. WOOD MAGAZINE #70 Jun 1994 (v.11#4) pg. 76
Adjustable trammel jig for cutting perfect circles with a router. WOOD MAGAZINE #75 Dec 1994 (v.11#9) pg. 16
Plunge-routing basics and six jigs. (1) Mortising jig. (2) Fluting, slot and dado routing jig. (3) Keyhole-routing jig. (4) Jig to bore a series of identically-spaced holes. (5) Jig for making raised panels. (6) Circle-cutting trammel and template for routing holes up to 6" diameter. WOOD MAGAZINE #123 Apr 2000 (v.17#3) pg. 56, Insert
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #128 Nov 2000 (v.17#8) pg. 10 (Keyhole-routing jig)
All-around plunge router jig features (1) an adjustable fence for routing dadoes, rabbets and grooves, (2) a bench-mount attachment and vertical fence for cutting mortises in the edge of stock, and (3) an accessory that turns the jig into a trammel for routing circles, ellipses, and other curved cuts. WOOD MAGAZINE #123 Apr 2000 (v.17#3) pg. 62, Insert
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #128 Nov 2000 (v.17#8) pg. 8
Simple non-adjusting plywood tramel for a router. WOOD MAGAZINE #129 Dec 2000 (v.17#9) pg. 92
Tip: How to cut a large circular table top out of a square blank of glued-up lumber by using a router and a trammel point attachment. WOODSMITH #19 Jan 1982 pg. 3
How to modify the Sears trammel point attachment (or make your own trammel point attachment) to cut out a large circular table top using a router. WOODSMITH #20 Mar 1982 pg. 13
Auxiliary router base acts as a trammel for cutting and routing circles. WOODSMITH #72 Dec 1990 pg. 19
Tip on cutting circles with a router and trammel point focuses on the direction to move the router. WOODSMITH #74 Apr 1991 pg. 28
Trammel platform (jig) allows a router to cut a perfect oval. WOODSMITH #84 Dec 1992 pg. 22
Trammel jig for your router uses a sturdy 48" aluminum ruler for the arm. WOODSMITH #99 Jun 1995 (v.17) pg. 30
How to build a segmented arch. Includes instructions for a shop-built jig used for assembly and routing the arch. WOODSMITH #104 Apr 1996 (v.18) pg. 32
Technique for cutting circular work pieces with a table-mounted router. WOODSMITH #114 Dec 1997 (v.19) pg. 22
An adjustable guide for cutting circles using a router. WOODWORK #26 Apr 1994 pg. 38
Tip on using a router and trammel to convert an octagonal frame into a circular frame. How to secure the work piece and provide a center for the trammel. WOODWORK #30 Dec 1994 pg. 16
Adjustable router compass jig for cutting circles. WOODWORKER #1095 Feb 1985 (v.89) pg. 94
Adjustable trammel for cutting large circles with a router. WOODWORKER Dec 1988 (v.92#12) pg. 1143
Adjustable jig for cutting circles in plywood using a router. WOODWORKER Nov 1989 (v.93#11) pg. 1076
Adjustable trammel for cutting circles using a router. WOODWORKER Sep 1992 (v.96#9) pg. 83
Tip shows how to use a piece of perforated hardboard to eliminate the hole made by a router trammel pivot point. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1997 (v.21#4) pg. 9
Quick release circle cutting jig for use with a router. A sliding carriage allows for changes in the diameter of the circle being cut. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1999 (v.23#3) pg. Insert
Adjustable router jig made from wood is used to cut perfect circles. WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1979 (v.35#4) pg. 57