Homemade router guide allows you to cut perfect circles up to six feet in diameter. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Sep 1981 (v.4#12) pg. 6
Jig for cutting perfect circles on a band saw. FINE WOODWORKING #6 Spring 1977 pg. 12
A pivoting jig for cutting perfect circles on a band saw. Features an easily movable center pin to change circle sizes. FINE WOODWORKING #16 May-Jun 1979 pg. 16
How to use a wood lathe equipped with a sanding disc to produce a perfectly round tabletop. FINE WOODWORKING #32 Jan-Feb 1982 pg. 18
Boss spinner, a jig which is used with a disc sander to make wooden discs of varying diameters and thicknesses. Two designs shown. FINE WOODWORKING #34 May-Jun 1982 pg. 20, 22
Circle guide for a router has several advantages over commercial models: it's cheaper, it cuts circles smaller than the router base and it allows repeat set-ups to precise radii without trial and error. FINE WOODWORKING #37 Nov-Dec 1982 pg. 22
How to use a router on a center pivot, instead of outboard lathe turning, to work objects over 18" in diameter. FINE WOODWORKING #42 Sep-Oct 1983 pg. 14
Tip: Use an X-Acto knife chucked in a bow compass for cutting circles of felt. FINE WOODWORKING #67 Nov-Dec 1987 pg. 12
Simple trammel for cutting circles or large holes with a saber saw. FINE WOODWORKING #72 Sep-Oct 1988 pg. 8
A circle guide you can make for your router is designed to cut large circular moldings. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #574 Mar 1976 (v.72) pg. 84
Adjustable jig for sanding perfect circles on a stationary belt sander. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #653 Oct 1982 (v.78) pg. 58
Sanding jig for disk sander to make perfect circles. POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1964 (v.121#4) pg. 174
Three jigs for cutting circular wooden disks of almost any diameter on a table saw, jigsaw, band saw, etc. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1966 (v.125#6) pg. 148
Clamp-on band saw jig produces perfect circles. POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1971 (v.136#6) pg. 160
Wooden jig which fits into the miter gauge slot of both a band saw and a stationary disk sander is used to rough cut and finish perfect wooden disks up to 16" in diameter. Jig has built in scale and pivot point. POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1976 (v.145#1) pg. 104
How to cut a perfect circle in wood so that both the circle and the surrounding wood are left with perfect circles. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1978 (v.149#3) pg. 129
Circle-cutting jig for use on a band saw. Use to make small diameter toy wheels, gear blanks, etc. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1980 (v.154#5) pg. 182
Sabre-saw table (jig) is used to cut wooden circles up to 33" diameter. POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1981 (v.155#1) pg. 122
Circle-cutting jig for a radial arm saw. Cut circles up to 32" diameter. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1981 (v.155#5) pg. 52
Circle-cutting jig is customized for a particular sabre saw. Cuts can be made in either direction, the saw is easily inserted into the jig, and the jig is adjustable for diameter of cut. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1995 (v.172#7) pg. 71
Using the drinking cup trick in wood working. Concentric circles (or other shapes) cut with a bevel in a flat board will pull apart into a cone shape just like those collapsible drinking cups. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1966 (v.189#1) pg. 116
Using compass and straightedge to layout circles and curves for woodworking. Adding a trammel to your router to make decorative circle cuts. POPULAR SCIENCE May 1971 (v.198#5) pg. 104
Cutting concentric circles in a piece of wood, with the saw table set at an angle, results in rings which can be telescoped into a cone shape. By gluing the rings and then smoothing the cone sides, a decorative lamp is formed. POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1971 (v.199#4) pg. 109
Shaped hole techniques. Various methods for achieving professional-looking circular cutouts in loudspeaker enclosures. SPEAKER BUILDER 4/1995 [Jun 1995] (v.16#4) pg. 40
Circle-cutting jig for use with veneer. Incorporates an "X-acto Knife" to do the actual cutting. WOOD MAGAZINE #9 Feb 1986 (v.3#1) pg. 93
Seven techniques that can increase the usefulness of your band saw. (1) Straight cuts. (2) Precise parallel curves. (3) Chamfers. (4) Cutting circles. (5) Precise arcs. (6) Compound sawing. (7) Multiple cuts. Jigs shown include a chamfer fence, extension table for circle cutting, and arc trammel. WOOD MAGAZINE #15 Feb 1987 (v.4#1) pg. 40
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #18 Aug 1987 (v.4#4) pg. 10
Jig for making quick adjustments to circle cutters. WOOD MAGAZINE #42 Apr 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 17
Straight talk about circles. How to find the center of a circle, make perfectly round corners, and other circular needs which can affect woodworkers. WOOD MAGAZINE #124 May-Jun 2000 (v.17#4) pg. 18
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #131 Mar 2001 (v.18#2) pg. 10
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #132 Apr 2001 (v.18#3) pg. 40
Jig for sanding the edge of a wood circle using a sanding disk and a radial arm saw. WOODSMITH #11 Sep 1980 pg. 12
Disc sander jig to clean and dress toy wheels that are cut with a hole saw. WOODSMITH #41 Sep-Oct 1985 pg. 3
Making templates to cut accurate circular holes using a router. WOODWORKER #1083 Feb 1984 (v.88) pg. 79
Simple jig for cutting circles on a power fretsaw or band saw. WOODWORKER Jun 1989 (v.93#6) pg. 552
Method for cutting large holes in plywood with a saber saw. WOODWORKER Jun 1989 (v.93#6) pg. 552
Tips on cutting large circles on a band saw without having the blade start cutting in towards the center. WOODWORKER Jul 1989 (v.93#7) pg. 623
How to cut perfect wood circles using only a coping saw. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1980 (v.4#1) pg. 16
Router jig for cutting circles in plywood up to 40" diameter. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1982 (v.6#6) pg. 49
The beginning woodworker. How to lay out and make circular and curved cuts. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1984 (v.8#3) pg. 15
Tip describes a scroll saw auxiliary table for cutting small circles safety. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1997 (v.21#1) pg. 12