Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1988 (v.5#10) pg. 89
A 60-cycle repulsion coil-response engine.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1964 (v.20#3) pg. 41
Tesla's thermomagnetic motor. A little known invention by Nikola Tesla.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1966 (v.25#6) pg. 70
Simple-minded Maggie. A homemade universal electric motor with a warped, coil-less armature. Uses three ordinary electromagnets plus a bent iron armature. Good science fair project.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1967 (v.26#6) pg. 31
The first electric motor. Recreate an experiment performed by Michael Faraday in the early 1800's.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1990 (v.7#10) pg. 55
Solenoid toy engine.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1965 (v.124#5) pg. 197
Cleaning, lubricating and replacing motor brushes on electric garden tools.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1966 (v.125#6) pg. 126
Simple electric motor is powered by sunlight. For demonstration only. Consists of a large horseshoe magnet and an armature made up of a cork core, wire and two small photo cells attached.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1966 (v.125#6) pg. 172
Chart shows what electric motor type and horsepower should be used for specific types of workshop applications.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1968 (v.129#6) pg. 140
What you absolutely must know about the design, operation and maintenance of electric motors in your shop. Compares universal motors with induction motors.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #107 Mar 1999 (v.19#1) pg. 28
A battery-operated transistor direct current motor for $2.
SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1969-Jan 1970 (v.27#3) pg. 31
Midget electric battery-powered motor for $2.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Nov 1964 (v.35#11) pg. 104
Simple motor uses tunnel diode, coil and bar magnet.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Oct 1965 (v.213#4) pg. 112
An asynchronous electric motor, called a parametric motor, invented by a physicist, Harry E. Stockman. The speed is roughly proportional to the applied voltage up to 10 volts. A novel device of no obvious use.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1973 (v.228#1) pg. 120
How to construct a demonstration model of an asynchronous motor, a variable-speed motor that operates on alternating current and requires no commutator or brush.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1975 (v.232#6) pg. 119
Experiments with linear track motors in which magnets attract other magnets in apparent perpetual motion.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1982 (v.246#3) pg. 142
The woodworker's guide to understanding electric motors.
WOOD MAGAZINE #52 Jun 1992 (v.9#4) pg. 52
Tip: Make your own brushes for electric motors from the carbon center post of exhausted flashlight batteries.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1981 (v.37#5) pg. 9
Demystifying motors. The basics of induction motors and a ten-point checklist for choosing an electric motor.
WORKBENCH Jun 1997 (v.53#3) pg. 54