How a CD4040 CMOS 12-stage ripple binary up-counter IC can be used to make a low-cost frequency divider, counter, or frequency meter. COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Mar 1983 (v.21#3) pg. 95
Semiconductor profile: The RCA CD 4059 down counter that can be programmed to divide an input frequency by any number from 3 to 15,999. COMPUTERS & PROGRAMMING Jul-Aug 1981 (v.21#4) pg. 69
IC frequency dividers and counters. Part 1. Advantages, techniques and characteristics. ELECTRONICS WORLD Dec 1968 (v.80#6) pg. 32
IC frequency dividers and counters. Part 2. Includes simple decade counter using inexpensive IC's. ELECTRONICS WORLD Jan 1969 (v.81#1) pg. 49
Frequency dividers or scalers described in this article can be designed to provide any desired ratio, even 11, 13 and 17. ELECTRONICS WORLD Aug 1971 (v.86#2) pg. 60
Frequency division with shift registers. A simple approach to dividing by even and odd numbers while maintaining 50% duty cycle. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1986 (v.3#1) pg. 50
Frequency divider circuit provides symmetrical output waveform even when dividing by odd numbers. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1978 (v.13#5) pg. 69
Build a programmable frequency divider. Features three cascaded 555-timer IC stages, and a three-digit LED display which indicates the value of the divisor. RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1977 (v.48#5) pg. 37
Down-counter cookbook. Using presettable down-counters to design frequency dividers, frequency synthesizers and alpha-numeric displays. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1989 (v.60#2) pg. 71
The RCA CD4059 semiconductor, a down counter that can be programmed to divide the input frequency by any number from 3 to 15,999. SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [2] May-Jun 1981 (v.21#3) pg. 61